Monday, November 30, 2009

HOORAY(or should I say phooey)! My First Non-Automated Answer

Well, imagine that. I write a couple of letters with my concerns about a foreign company accepting my tax dollars to build a car I can't afford and here is the response from my elected official. Makes me wonder why I pay him...

Dear Mr. Rodda:

Thank you for contacting me regarding Fisker Automotive. I appreciate your taking the time to be involved and informed about matters important to Florida and our nation.

Please know that I will keep your views in mind if this issue is considered before the Senate. If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.

Senator Bill Nelson

Notice how he dodges the bullet by saying it hasn't been considered so its not his fault... Consider this Bill! If you can't control the flow of money out of my pocket into somebody elses, you'd better be screaming about it!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

When the White House writes...

Some of you may have received an email from Michelle Obama, I decided to reply...

Michelle, may I call you Michelle?
Thank you for your thoughtful message. My family and I always try and provide for those less fortunate than us regardless of what led them there. In as much as you were thoughtful enough to send me a Thanksgiving message, here is mine to you and your family.

As we prepare our Thanksgiving dinner we are aware that next Thanksgiving, if all goes well for the politicians, we will be living in a completely different America. Instead of giving thanks to God we will be giving thanks to you and your wonderful husband for providing for those in need by taking directly from our larder without us having to do anything but try and make a living.

Michelle, I look back at my life and see all the opportunities I have had, some I have let slip through my fingers, thank you to my wonderful parents for trying to give me a college education. And yet America was there to provide me with many others and I thank God for them. No, I never became another Warren Buffet, not even a Jimmy Buffett, but I was given the tools, and used them to my fullest extent, to become a provider for my family. We live comfortably at a standard of living far greater than many in the world because our forefathers designed a government which allowed the people to be responsible for their own happiness.

Michelle, when you look at America through the glasses colored by the people who have raised you, educated you, and taught you the meaning of loving God what do you see? Were you truly not proud to be an American up to the moment you publicly announced your change of heart? Are you not proud of us Americans, millions of us, who have served our country for many more years than you beloved husband, we that have given him the greatest opportunity in the world and he took it? Are you truly unsatisfied with what our founding fathers provided for us through their love of God; and their foresight to ensure its continued existence through the Bill of Rights? Or do you believe in only one portion of the Declaration of Independence in that “all men are created equal” and that government is responsible for making sure of it?

Michelle, this afternoon when you sit down for Thanksgiving what are you going to tell your daughters to be thankful for? Are you going to be thankful to God who has bestowed many great things upon this nation? Or are you going to tell them to be thankful for the politicians who are bestowing gifts upon those who believe what you have been taught to believe? I pray you do not continue coloring your children’s world with what you have been taught. Tell them to be thankful for what God has given them outright and if not thankful, gracious to those who attempt to ensure the continued existence of this great nation as our founders designed.

Edward Rodda

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Hidden Costs of Health Care Reform

I am writing to provide you with my take on the health care debacle. It continues to amaze me that you believe I will not be paying for the bill regardless of whom you tax/surcharge/fee/fine. These wonderful folks, who are making the lions share, are the ones taking the risks. Have you become so single minded you have forgotten how this country became great? Would Barney Frank be offended because Mr. Ford took a huge risk helping to shove our country from an agrarian nation into the manufacturing leader of the 20th century? Do you not believe the descendents of Mr. Ford who are taking the risks today will not pass on your tax/surcharge/fee/fine to the end user of the product, hmmm, which is me? Do you not believe you will increase the price tag of every item the government purchases thereby giving you in Washington another reason to raise our personal taxes, as if you didn’t have enough reasons already?

In regards to the bill itself, I will not ever get what you promised with this health care proposal. First off, as it is over 1900 pages, can you even show me in the House bill where your personal promises are? Secondly, with the amount of bureaucracy you have added into the mix, do you for a minute believe I will be able to call my primary care physician and be able to see him within a day or two? I will tell you this, Senator, I live in Key West and to be able to see the best orthopedist here I have to wait 2 months. What are the chances of me seeing him at all once you take over? You are going to control his every move to get the most out of him because the dirty little secret is you don’t have enough physicians because of the regulations you already have foisted on them. He may try to ride out the storm but my bet is if he is any good he will take his shingle down and move to where he can work without so much government control. And where does that leave me? I will tell you where, Senator, seeing “doctors” who do not look beyond the prescription they write because some bureaucrat has complete control of my health care based on my age and what I can provide to the tax base.

No, Senator, this bill is not good for me or the country. I have written you many times in the past and discussed how this level playing field will not work. This bill will put in the end zone for you in Washington so at the end of the day you can look down from your box seat and watch those of us that are left scurry around on the field like ants trying to reach our goals. Too bad our end zone has been removed by the people we have voted into power.

Edward Rodda

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Republicans = Democrats

To all my elected officials,
Well, it is now official. When a Republican candidate endorses a Democratic candidate I know we no longer have a two party system. We have a one party system that feeds off the taxpayer. You in Washington have lost your way. I am not your cash cow, I am not your servant, and I am certainly not going to listen to anything you have to say. You all have become guests of a continual Roman orgy, gorging yourselves on the fruits of my labor. It is time for you to understand the real meaning of the second amendment.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." I am sure you all watch Glenn Beck so you must know I am quoting Thomas Jefferson.

For those whose vocabulary does not contain the word tyranny, but do prescribe to the teachings of Mao and the behavior of Chavez, here is a definition:

“Arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.”

Do you understand how close you are to this point? Do you have any idea the number of firearms and stocks of ammunition that have been purchased by “law abiding” citizens? Do you not understand that we, as a people, are entirely against what you are attempting and given no other alternative may resort to such an unthinkable response to your behavior?

We are a supposed to be a free people, unfettered by the heavy hand of government. And yet you attempt to regulate every minute of our lives as you pour our tax dollars into the hands of those who support your drive to a socialist utopia where wealth is spread as government sees fit. Do you not understand we will not willingly be led down the path to a life where government holds the keys to our happiness? The spirit that assembled this nation, ripping it from the hands of its overseers, is alive. You have attempted to marginalize everything this country stands for and yet the heartbeat continues. You have failed.

I have written each and every one of you on more than several occasions, thinking you actually care, but with today’s actions by candidate Scozzafava, who was selected by the RNC, the true colors of Washington are finally shining. You have become “lords and ladies” believing you know better than I how to live my life. The ones who come to bring our country back to its Constitutional roots are the ones I will be fighting and voting for, regardless of the myriad of labels you attempt to apply to them. It truly is time to throw the bums (that would be you) out!

With the respect due your position,
Edward Rodda