And so it goes... You buy Senator Landrieu's vote for 300 million and now Senator Nelson had his hand filled with another 100+ million. You folks in Washington are amazing. Do you not see how crooked you all are. No, of course not. Hey Bill, I just wrote Ben and thanked him for sticking to his democrat principles. You know, the ones where you can sell the country down the river as long as you get something out of it. You all certainly lead by example. Senator Reid shows you all how to close the door on your constituents so you can get the real work of the politburo done. Oh, Senator LeMieux, don't think you and your party are any better. Your boss down here in Florida took my tax dollars as a bribe/stimulus and now is trying to run as a fiscally conservative Republican.
Senators, I keep telling you, it is not your money to do with as you want! It is my money and your are to do as I want. I wrote you telling you to not bailout anyone and you did anyway. I told you not to stimulate anybody and yet the back scratching and palm massaging has reached a fevered pitch. I told you no to government intervention into health care (lotsa times I might add) and here we are, a few hundred million dollars under the table, okay, it was really carefully word crafted legislation, to a couple of your brethren " peoples' servants" and tada, I now get to pay for educating some poor smuck and then listen to him tell me how to live my life. Luckily, I live in Key West and I won't have to pay the Tanning Salon Tax.
Speaking of tax, how's that cap and tax bill coming where we replace our reliance on fossil fuels with our reliance on a dream of someday being green with energy. You didn't let us drill, you didn't let us build, and now you want us to conserve by using bulbs with mercury in them to help save the planet. I have heard you repeat the audacity of hope mantra over and over again (see the paragraph above for examples). Try this one on, "stupid is as stupid does". Telling us to light and heat our homes on a still moonless winter night with your green power solutions fit right in.
To the screener reading this, if you don't tell your boss anything else, just tell him it's beginning to look a lot like tyranny.
With the respect due your office,
Edward Rodda
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
I Didn't Read It All, But...
Senators Nelson and Lemieux,
Let us review your health care bill. There is no public option, there is no Medicare buy in, there is no tort reform, there is no freeing up of private insurance across state lines, and as yet, there is no guarantee for the rights of the unborn. What does that leave us? How about almost 700 uses of the word grant.
Let us define the word "grant" as it applies to the bill.
grant-a sum of money given by the government or some other organization to fund such things as education or research (we shall see how this applies momentarily).
I will now go to a passage or two in the bill regarding grants.
Under Subtitle C-Creating Healthier Communities, Section 4201 Community Transformation Grants, (c)(2) and I quote:
(A) IN GENERAL.—An eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall submit to the Director (for approval) a detailed plan that includes the policy, environmental, programmatic, and as appropriate infrastructure changes needed to promote healthy living and reduce disparities.
Is this not a state's responsibility? Why do we need your fingers in our lives? Would you like to see some of the control, oh, did I say control, how about input over our daily lives?
How about "developing and promoting programs targeting a variety of age levels to increase access to nutrition, physical activity and smoking cessation, improve social and emotional wellness, enhance safety in a community, or address any other chronic disease priority area identified by the grantee; (iv) assessing and implementing work site wellness programming and incentives; (v) working to highlight healthy options at restaurants and other food venues; (vi) prioritizing strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities, including social, economic, and geographic determinants of health; and (vii) addressing special populations needs, including all age groups and individuals with disabilities, and individuals in both urban and rural areas."
Did you see where I can get an appointment with a doctor anywhere in there? Or are you looking at a community based organization that will be using my tax dollars to direct my life, from how I eat and where, to my daily exercise, not to leave out my ethnic issues when it comes to eating certain foods (I am part Italian). This has nothing to do with seeing my doctor when I need to, does it Senators. You want my money and control over my every breath.
Senator Nelson, I had written you in the past regarding the need for more doctors to support the addition of 1/10 of the U.S. population who either cannot afford or do not want health care. Many, many pages of this bill, and the word "grant", are used to educate and pay for new health care providers that will be subject to the federal government. I was unable to locate the baseline grading which would allow your new employees to continue working. As a retired Navy vet and a civil service employee I understand the problems associated with letting someone go due to poor performance. What performance standards are being set and what tools are you giving the school and the employer to let the person go when it becomes necessary and how am I going to get my tax dollars back from his/her education?
On a separate note, with a federally employed doctor who just murdered 13 of my brother vets fresh on my mind, whose poor performance was overlooked because of his beliefs, what safeguards are you putting in to prevent a person from doing harm to his/her patients because of the caregiver's beliefs? In reading the bill I get a sense you will be providing segregated service to patients depending on their ethnicity and religious beliefs. How inclusive of you.
One other question that came to mind while reviewing your bill was in the area of malpractice suits. I attempted to find how a patient's rights are protected when dealing with a federally employed caregiver. As a vet I learned quite quickly a military caregiver has some protection under the law when it comes to poor performance. I found nothing. My question is where in this bill do I have the right to sue the United States for educating and employing a substandard caregiver who caused me physical and/or mental harm or stress? Or is your idea of tort reform to prevent patients from suing. But wait, I take back my comment that there is no tort reform in your 2000+ page bill. I actually found the word "litigation" in your document 4 times, the first on page 1858. I am so proud of you! On the other hand...
"States should be encouraged to develop and test alternatives to the existing civil litigation system as a way of improving patient safety, reducing medical errors, encouraging the efficient resolution of disputes, increasing the availability of prompt and fair resolution of disputes, and improving access to
liability insurance, while preserving an individual’s right to seek redress in court; and Congress should consider establishing a State demonstration program to evaluate alter natives to the existing civil litigation system with respect to the resolution of medical malpractice claims."
Do you see any federally sponsored tort reform? Lip service is there, for sure. No, instead you drop the issue on the states to resolve. Oh, did you notice the word "grant" in this section? Strangely, of the almost 700 times the word grant was used it didn't make it here so the states are on their own to work this one out.
In closing, I am against this bill. You in Congress have screwed up Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, home loan financing, oh let's be honest, just about everything you try to control. Your batting average is in the tank, what makes you think you are going to hit this one out of the park? Let the free market run, without controls, without needless inclusions on health care policies, where doctors get paid depending on their abilities and patients have a right to choose.
With the respect due your office,
Edward Rodda
Let us review your health care bill. There is no public option, there is no Medicare buy in, there is no tort reform, there is no freeing up of private insurance across state lines, and as yet, there is no guarantee for the rights of the unborn. What does that leave us? How about almost 700 uses of the word grant.
Let us define the word "grant" as it applies to the bill.
grant-a sum of money given by the government or some other organization to fund such things as education or research (we shall see how this applies momentarily).
I will now go to a passage or two in the bill regarding grants.
Under Subtitle C-Creating Healthier Communities, Section 4201 Community Transformation Grants, (c)(2) and I quote:
(A) IN GENERAL.—An eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall submit to the Director (for approval) a detailed plan that includes the policy, environmental, programmatic, and as appropriate infrastructure changes needed to promote healthy living and reduce disparities.
Is this not a state's responsibility? Why do we need your fingers in our lives? Would you like to see some of the control, oh, did I say control, how about input over our daily lives?
How about "developing and promoting programs targeting a variety of age levels to increase access to nutrition, physical activity and smoking cessation, improve social and emotional wellness, enhance safety in a community, or address any other chronic disease priority area identified by the grantee; (iv) assessing and implementing work site wellness programming and incentives; (v) working to highlight healthy options at restaurants and other food venues; (vi) prioritizing strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities, including social, economic, and geographic determinants of health; and (vii) addressing special populations needs, including all age groups and individuals with disabilities, and individuals in both urban and rural areas."
Did you see where I can get an appointment with a doctor anywhere in there? Or are you looking at a community based organization that will be using my tax dollars to direct my life, from how I eat and where, to my daily exercise, not to leave out my ethnic issues when it comes to eating certain foods (I am part Italian). This has nothing to do with seeing my doctor when I need to, does it Senators. You want my money and control over my every breath.
Senator Nelson, I had written you in the past regarding the need for more doctors to support the addition of 1/10 of the U.S. population who either cannot afford or do not want health care. Many, many pages of this bill, and the word "grant", are used to educate and pay for new health care providers that will be subject to the federal government. I was unable to locate the baseline grading which would allow your new employees to continue working. As a retired Navy vet and a civil service employee I understand the problems associated with letting someone go due to poor performance. What performance standards are being set and what tools are you giving the school and the employer to let the person go when it becomes necessary and how am I going to get my tax dollars back from his/her education?
On a separate note, with a federally employed doctor who just murdered 13 of my brother vets fresh on my mind, whose poor performance was overlooked because of his beliefs, what safeguards are you putting in to prevent a person from doing harm to his/her patients because of the caregiver's beliefs? In reading the bill I get a sense you will be providing segregated service to patients depending on their ethnicity and religious beliefs. How inclusive of you.
One other question that came to mind while reviewing your bill was in the area of malpractice suits. I attempted to find how a patient's rights are protected when dealing with a federally employed caregiver. As a vet I learned quite quickly a military caregiver has some protection under the law when it comes to poor performance. I found nothing. My question is where in this bill do I have the right to sue the United States for educating and employing a substandard caregiver who caused me physical and/or mental harm or stress? Or is your idea of tort reform to prevent patients from suing. But wait, I take back my comment that there is no tort reform in your 2000+ page bill. I actually found the word "litigation" in your document 4 times, the first on page 1858. I am so proud of you! On the other hand...
"States should be encouraged to develop and test alternatives to the existing civil litigation system as a way of improving patient safety, reducing medical errors, encouraging the efficient resolution of disputes, increasing the availability of prompt and fair resolution of disputes, and improving access to
liability insurance, while preserving an individual’s right to seek redress in court; and Congress should consider establishing a State demonstration program to evaluate alter natives to the existing civil litigation system with respect to the resolution of medical malpractice claims."
Do you see any federally sponsored tort reform? Lip service is there, for sure. No, instead you drop the issue on the states to resolve. Oh, did you notice the word "grant" in this section? Strangely, of the almost 700 times the word grant was used it didn't make it here so the states are on their own to work this one out.
In closing, I am against this bill. You in Congress have screwed up Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, home loan financing, oh let's be honest, just about everything you try to control. Your batting average is in the tank, what makes you think you are going to hit this one out of the park? Let the free market run, without controls, without needless inclusions on health care policies, where doctors get paid depending on their abilities and patients have a right to choose.
With the respect due your office,
Edward Rodda
Saturday, December 12, 2009
And Another Trillion, And Another Trillion, And Another...
Senator Lemieux,
You can't be serious... You are attempting to make a 2000+ page bill something good by hanging a few Republican amendments on it? Have you read this bill, Senator? Have you seen the amount of bureaucracy, or the amount of graft that has been dumped into this bill?
How about adding this amendment? Remove all 685 uses of the word "grant".
Stop the presses, the Washington money launderers have passed a 1.1 trillion dollars spending bill with another trillion to go by the end of the year. Oh, and you are going to have to raise the debt ceiling to get there. My daughter will be happy to pay for that, also. Oh, how angry I should be, but having seen what you all are doing to our country gives me the impetus to start explaining to my daughter the need to get a good education and proceed to a country that can use it while giving her the freedom to use it to her advantage, not the government's. You in Washington have no heart and no soul. You throw huge numbers around like there will be no consequence as you protect yourselves with "private" health insurance and one heck of a golden parachute for a retirement.
Let's review some of the things you just passed that help me:
Needle exchanges for drug addicts with HIV- Nope, doesn't do me a bit of good.
Closing the Gitmo detainee way station- Nope, just brings the terrorists into the country and gives the home grown someplace to move. Good job there, Senator.
5,000 pork barrel projects- Nope, just raises my taxes so you in Washington can get re-elected because "you got more show and tell' than the other guy.
Allow the use of government money for abortions in D.C.- Nope, how is it the guilty must have committed an horrendous crime and have a court order to be put to death and yet the innocent must only be considered a nuisance to have their life ended.
Defense Spending-Nope, you didn't vote for that at all. You are saving that to push through the really bad stuff that just has to get passed. Gee, I can't wait to see that one.
You all need to go. You do not listen, you do not care. You are no longer "Americans" as our grandparents and parents were, who took care of themselves and those around them as they could. You have become the "Great Teat" where the suckling (pig/entitlement receiver, you choose) that makes the most noise and muscles its' way to the front gets the milk. Too bad the nourishment is tainted with the sweat of millions of Americans who have done nothing wrong, except understand each person is responsible for his or her own happiness.
With the respect due the Office of a Senator,
Edward Rodda
P.S. In regards to paragraph one, stop voting for any amendments. As a matter of fact, stop voting on it entirely. Let the Democrats take complete ownership. There is no compromising with megalomania.
You can't be serious... You are attempting to make a 2000+ page bill something good by hanging a few Republican amendments on it? Have you read this bill, Senator? Have you seen the amount of bureaucracy, or the amount of graft that has been dumped into this bill?
How about adding this amendment? Remove all 685 uses of the word "grant".
Stop the presses, the Washington money launderers have passed a 1.1 trillion dollars spending bill with another trillion to go by the end of the year. Oh, and you are going to have to raise the debt ceiling to get there. My daughter will be happy to pay for that, also. Oh, how angry I should be, but having seen what you all are doing to our country gives me the impetus to start explaining to my daughter the need to get a good education and proceed to a country that can use it while giving her the freedom to use it to her advantage, not the government's. You in Washington have no heart and no soul. You throw huge numbers around like there will be no consequence as you protect yourselves with "private" health insurance and one heck of a golden parachute for a retirement.
Let's review some of the things you just passed that help me:
Needle exchanges for drug addicts with HIV- Nope, doesn't do me a bit of good.
Closing the Gitmo detainee way station- Nope, just brings the terrorists into the country and gives the home grown someplace to move. Good job there, Senator.
5,000 pork barrel projects- Nope, just raises my taxes so you in Washington can get re-elected because "you got more show and tell' than the other guy.
Allow the use of government money for abortions in D.C.- Nope, how is it the guilty must have committed an horrendous crime and have a court order to be put to death and yet the innocent must only be considered a nuisance to have their life ended.
Defense Spending-Nope, you didn't vote for that at all. You are saving that to push through the really bad stuff that just has to get passed. Gee, I can't wait to see that one.
You all need to go. You do not listen, you do not care. You are no longer "Americans" as our grandparents and parents were, who took care of themselves and those around them as they could. You have become the "Great Teat" where the suckling (pig/entitlement receiver, you choose) that makes the most noise and muscles its' way to the front gets the milk. Too bad the nourishment is tainted with the sweat of millions of Americans who have done nothing wrong, except understand each person is responsible for his or her own happiness.
With the respect due the Office of a Senator,
Edward Rodda
P.S. In regards to paragraph one, stop voting for any amendments. As a matter of fact, stop voting on it entirely. Let the Democrats take complete ownership. There is no compromising with megalomania.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
So Bill, who do I contact???
To all my "elected" officials,
I have written Senator Nelson on a couple of occasions with my concerns regarding my tax dollars going to foreign companies. His response, quoted below, is less than comforting. He did not take ownership of the issue, he did not provide any information regarding how I am going to get back my part of the half a billion dollars (a mere pittance in today's "my government can take care of me forever" mentality), nor did he provide me with the appropriate elected official's name, key word "elected", whom I may contact to voice my concerns.
I am writing all of you on the chance that one of you will direct me to the right official. In as much as the majority of you are spending most of your time attempting to remove more of my income through hidden taxes, fees, and price increases I do not expect any of you to answer. You are allowed to surprise me.
If any of you would like to review my input to the Senator you may find it at:
Edward Rodda
cc: Senator Nelson
The Senator's reply:
Dear Mr. Rodda:
Thank you for contacting me regarding Fisker Automotive. I appreciate your taking the time to be involved and informed about matters important to Florida and our nation.
Please know that I will keep your views in mind if this issue is considered before the Senate. If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.
Senator Bill Nelson
I have written Senator Nelson on a couple of occasions with my concerns regarding my tax dollars going to foreign companies. His response, quoted below, is less than comforting. He did not take ownership of the issue, he did not provide any information regarding how I am going to get back my part of the half a billion dollars (a mere pittance in today's "my government can take care of me forever" mentality), nor did he provide me with the appropriate elected official's name, key word "elected", whom I may contact to voice my concerns.
I am writing all of you on the chance that one of you will direct me to the right official. In as much as the majority of you are spending most of your time attempting to remove more of my income through hidden taxes, fees, and price increases I do not expect any of you to answer. You are allowed to surprise me.
If any of you would like to review my input to the Senator you may find it at:
Edward Rodda
cc: Senator Nelson
The Senator's reply:
Dear Mr. Rodda:
Thank you for contacting me regarding Fisker Automotive. I appreciate your taking the time to be involved and informed about matters important to Florida and our nation.
Please know that I will keep your views in mind if this issue is considered before the Senate. If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.
Senator Bill Nelson
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