Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just a Simple Little Question

Where in the Constitution does it say I am responsible for your/your daughter’s/your granddaughter’s contraceptives/morning after pill/abortion?

I choose life, personal responsibility, and God. Your choices are somewhat different.

I used to give respect to your station but it is now my choice not to,
Edward Rodda

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rep Rips Offshore Rigs

Really Congresswoman,
Your concerned because Cuba is attempting to become energy independent from the Middle East? Just because we happen to be at the beck and call of the Crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia and our elected representative decides to bow to him does not mean other countries have to follow. Your breast beating does nothing but placate your voting base. You have done nothing to improve the situation in this country and you have no right to say what goes on in another country.

Madam, you have shown you do not understand what the world requires which, of course, is energy. You wring your hands when a dirt poor nation, albeit communist, attempts to pull itself out of a third world rating but you in Congress do nothing as our country slips into it as energy costs continue to climb.

Ma’am, you in Congress are idiots. I say that kindly but honestly. We have the energy, we have the technology to deliver it, and we have the people to fill the jobs required to manufacture equipment, fabricate pipe, drill, weld, build refineries, and put product at the pump. These same people will refill the tax coffers with the money you give away to entitlement receivers and occupiers. The only thing we don’t have is a spine in Washington to get the job done.

When you finely discern cost effective energy and a minimalist government are the keys to a prosperous nation please feel free to contact me. Until then please be sure and fluff Mr. Obama’s pillows because you are already in bed with him.

With the respect due your Office,
Edward Rodda

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

When Is a Promise Not a Promise...

To whom it may concern (obviously none of you…),

The plan to force the military to pay more for health care is no surprise. It is no surprise because you pay nothing for health care. It is no surprise because you believe we are not educated and we cling to our faith and our guns, which, unlike you, have not let us down. It is no surprise because you believe you know better than your lowly constituents/serfs/proletariat, your choice. It is no surprise because we have served our country quietly, and you think we have no voice, unlike the “occupiers” who are heralded as democracy in action.

We have paid for our health care with our service to the country. We have paid for our health care with our months and years away from home. Wwe have paid for our health care with our blood, our limbs, and for many, with our lives. Your efforts to reduce cost by giving it to those who have served and continue to serve go beyond the pale. You have no shame. You have no conscience. You have no god but the holy entitlement receiver who will get you back sucking on the teat of those who still pay taxes.

I recommend you look inward. You ask us to do much. We ask little in return. When will you require the rest of the citizens, including yourselves, to provide for those who protect this great nation? If history is any indication, you will weasel your way out of it as you always have in the past.

Edward Rodda, USN, Retired

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Washington 1, Christians 0

To whom it may concern (as if anyone reads this anymore),

As a practicing Catholic and a Knight of Columbus, what Comrade Obama and his Czars have just ruled regarding Obamacare and its’ takeover of the healthcare system tells me I must look elsewhere to practice my religion. On a regular basis we speak for the unborn to provide them the same rights your murderers and rapists on death row have. You have relegated the unborn to the position of a fly needing extermination because it is interfering with your lunch. Your continued onslaught on Christian religion is a telling story about the morals of this country and where they have gravitated to.

When did what I believe become an issue? It became an issue when it interfered with Comrade Obama’s takeover of my daily life. Who knows better than I what I should believe and practice? You, you who have guaranteed my child many years of poverty because of your fiscal irresponsibility? You, you who have bought votes with your promises of entitlements instead of employment opportunities? You, you who have given your RESPONSIBILITIES as elected representatives to administrators of regulations who stifle growth and ensure their own continued existence?

This country was founded on religious freedom and now this government is attempting to take it away. You have become an anathema to me. It has become a country of rights with no responsibility and a government whose motto should be “Whatever It Takes” instead of “In God We Trust”.

What is amazing to me is I spent twenty plus years in defense of the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, and with the stroke of a pen my government has ensured the deaths of many at the hand of my religion. I commend you on the audacity of your actions and look forward apprehensively to your next onslaught on Christianity. Perhaps you will be able to label Christians as enemies of the State as we stand up against you because of our belief.

A Christian Citizen,
Edward Rodda