And so it goes... You buy Senator Landrieu's vote for 300 million and now Senator Nelson had his hand filled with another 100+ million. You folks in Washington are amazing. Do you not see how crooked you all are. No, of course not. Hey Bill, I just wrote Ben and thanked him for sticking to his democrat principles. You know, the ones where you can sell the country down the river as long as you get something out of it. You all certainly lead by example. Senator Reid shows you all how to close the door on your constituents so you can get the real work of the politburo done. Oh, Senator LeMieux, don't think you and your party are any better. Your boss down here in Florida took my tax dollars as a bribe/stimulus and now is trying to run as a fiscally conservative Republican.
Senators, I keep telling you, it is not your money to do with as you want! It is my money and your are to do as I want. I wrote you telling you to not bailout anyone and you did anyway. I told you not to stimulate anybody and yet the back scratching and palm massaging has reached a fevered pitch. I told you no to government intervention into health care (lotsa times I might add) and here we are, a few hundred million dollars under the table, okay, it was really carefully word crafted legislation, to a couple of your brethren " peoples' servants" and tada, I now get to pay for educating some poor smuck and then listen to him tell me how to live my life. Luckily, I live in Key West and I won't have to pay the Tanning Salon Tax.
Speaking of tax, how's that cap and tax bill coming where we replace our reliance on fossil fuels with our reliance on a dream of someday being green with energy. You didn't let us drill, you didn't let us build, and now you want us to conserve by using bulbs with mercury in them to help save the planet. I have heard you repeat the audacity of hope mantra over and over again (see the paragraph above for examples). Try this one on, "stupid is as stupid does". Telling us to light and heat our homes on a still moonless winter night with your green power solutions fit right in.
To the screener reading this, if you don't tell your boss anything else, just tell him it's beginning to look a lot like tyranny.
With the respect due your office,
Edward Rodda
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
I Didn't Read It All, But...
Senators Nelson and Lemieux,
Let us review your health care bill. There is no public option, there is no Medicare buy in, there is no tort reform, there is no freeing up of private insurance across state lines, and as yet, there is no guarantee for the rights of the unborn. What does that leave us? How about almost 700 uses of the word grant.
Let us define the word "grant" as it applies to the bill.
grant-a sum of money given by the government or some other organization to fund such things as education or research (we shall see how this applies momentarily).
I will now go to a passage or two in the bill regarding grants.
Under Subtitle C-Creating Healthier Communities, Section 4201 Community Transformation Grants, (c)(2) and I quote:
(A) IN GENERAL.—An eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall submit to the Director (for approval) a detailed plan that includes the policy, environmental, programmatic, and as appropriate infrastructure changes needed to promote healthy living and reduce disparities.
Is this not a state's responsibility? Why do we need your fingers in our lives? Would you like to see some of the control, oh, did I say control, how about input over our daily lives?
How about "developing and promoting programs targeting a variety of age levels to increase access to nutrition, physical activity and smoking cessation, improve social and emotional wellness, enhance safety in a community, or address any other chronic disease priority area identified by the grantee; (iv) assessing and implementing work site wellness programming and incentives; (v) working to highlight healthy options at restaurants and other food venues; (vi) prioritizing strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities, including social, economic, and geographic determinants of health; and (vii) addressing special populations needs, including all age groups and individuals with disabilities, and individuals in both urban and rural areas."
Did you see where I can get an appointment with a doctor anywhere in there? Or are you looking at a community based organization that will be using my tax dollars to direct my life, from how I eat and where, to my daily exercise, not to leave out my ethnic issues when it comes to eating certain foods (I am part Italian). This has nothing to do with seeing my doctor when I need to, does it Senators. You want my money and control over my every breath.
Senator Nelson, I had written you in the past regarding the need for more doctors to support the addition of 1/10 of the U.S. population who either cannot afford or do not want health care. Many, many pages of this bill, and the word "grant", are used to educate and pay for new health care providers that will be subject to the federal government. I was unable to locate the baseline grading which would allow your new employees to continue working. As a retired Navy vet and a civil service employee I understand the problems associated with letting someone go due to poor performance. What performance standards are being set and what tools are you giving the school and the employer to let the person go when it becomes necessary and how am I going to get my tax dollars back from his/her education?
On a separate note, with a federally employed doctor who just murdered 13 of my brother vets fresh on my mind, whose poor performance was overlooked because of his beliefs, what safeguards are you putting in to prevent a person from doing harm to his/her patients because of the caregiver's beliefs? In reading the bill I get a sense you will be providing segregated service to patients depending on their ethnicity and religious beliefs. How inclusive of you.
One other question that came to mind while reviewing your bill was in the area of malpractice suits. I attempted to find how a patient's rights are protected when dealing with a federally employed caregiver. As a vet I learned quite quickly a military caregiver has some protection under the law when it comes to poor performance. I found nothing. My question is where in this bill do I have the right to sue the United States for educating and employing a substandard caregiver who caused me physical and/or mental harm or stress? Or is your idea of tort reform to prevent patients from suing. But wait, I take back my comment that there is no tort reform in your 2000+ page bill. I actually found the word "litigation" in your document 4 times, the first on page 1858. I am so proud of you! On the other hand...
"States should be encouraged to develop and test alternatives to the existing civil litigation system as a way of improving patient safety, reducing medical errors, encouraging the efficient resolution of disputes, increasing the availability of prompt and fair resolution of disputes, and improving access to
liability insurance, while preserving an individual’s right to seek redress in court; and Congress should consider establishing a State demonstration program to evaluate alter natives to the existing civil litigation system with respect to the resolution of medical malpractice claims."
Do you see any federally sponsored tort reform? Lip service is there, for sure. No, instead you drop the issue on the states to resolve. Oh, did you notice the word "grant" in this section? Strangely, of the almost 700 times the word grant was used it didn't make it here so the states are on their own to work this one out.
In closing, I am against this bill. You in Congress have screwed up Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, home loan financing, oh let's be honest, just about everything you try to control. Your batting average is in the tank, what makes you think you are going to hit this one out of the park? Let the free market run, without controls, without needless inclusions on health care policies, where doctors get paid depending on their abilities and patients have a right to choose.
With the respect due your office,
Edward Rodda
Let us review your health care bill. There is no public option, there is no Medicare buy in, there is no tort reform, there is no freeing up of private insurance across state lines, and as yet, there is no guarantee for the rights of the unborn. What does that leave us? How about almost 700 uses of the word grant.
Let us define the word "grant" as it applies to the bill.
grant-a sum of money given by the government or some other organization to fund such things as education or research (we shall see how this applies momentarily).
I will now go to a passage or two in the bill regarding grants.
Under Subtitle C-Creating Healthier Communities, Section 4201 Community Transformation Grants, (c)(2) and I quote:
(A) IN GENERAL.—An eligible entity that receives a grant under this section shall submit to the Director (for approval) a detailed plan that includes the policy, environmental, programmatic, and as appropriate infrastructure changes needed to promote healthy living and reduce disparities.
Is this not a state's responsibility? Why do we need your fingers in our lives? Would you like to see some of the control, oh, did I say control, how about input over our daily lives?
How about "developing and promoting programs targeting a variety of age levels to increase access to nutrition, physical activity and smoking cessation, improve social and emotional wellness, enhance safety in a community, or address any other chronic disease priority area identified by the grantee; (iv) assessing and implementing work site wellness programming and incentives; (v) working to highlight healthy options at restaurants and other food venues; (vi) prioritizing strategies to reduce racial and ethnic disparities, including social, economic, and geographic determinants of health; and (vii) addressing special populations needs, including all age groups and individuals with disabilities, and individuals in both urban and rural areas."
Did you see where I can get an appointment with a doctor anywhere in there? Or are you looking at a community based organization that will be using my tax dollars to direct my life, from how I eat and where, to my daily exercise, not to leave out my ethnic issues when it comes to eating certain foods (I am part Italian). This has nothing to do with seeing my doctor when I need to, does it Senators. You want my money and control over my every breath.
Senator Nelson, I had written you in the past regarding the need for more doctors to support the addition of 1/10 of the U.S. population who either cannot afford or do not want health care. Many, many pages of this bill, and the word "grant", are used to educate and pay for new health care providers that will be subject to the federal government. I was unable to locate the baseline grading which would allow your new employees to continue working. As a retired Navy vet and a civil service employee I understand the problems associated with letting someone go due to poor performance. What performance standards are being set and what tools are you giving the school and the employer to let the person go when it becomes necessary and how am I going to get my tax dollars back from his/her education?
On a separate note, with a federally employed doctor who just murdered 13 of my brother vets fresh on my mind, whose poor performance was overlooked because of his beliefs, what safeguards are you putting in to prevent a person from doing harm to his/her patients because of the caregiver's beliefs? In reading the bill I get a sense you will be providing segregated service to patients depending on their ethnicity and religious beliefs. How inclusive of you.
One other question that came to mind while reviewing your bill was in the area of malpractice suits. I attempted to find how a patient's rights are protected when dealing with a federally employed caregiver. As a vet I learned quite quickly a military caregiver has some protection under the law when it comes to poor performance. I found nothing. My question is where in this bill do I have the right to sue the United States for educating and employing a substandard caregiver who caused me physical and/or mental harm or stress? Or is your idea of tort reform to prevent patients from suing. But wait, I take back my comment that there is no tort reform in your 2000+ page bill. I actually found the word "litigation" in your document 4 times, the first on page 1858. I am so proud of you! On the other hand...
"States should be encouraged to develop and test alternatives to the existing civil litigation system as a way of improving patient safety, reducing medical errors, encouraging the efficient resolution of disputes, increasing the availability of prompt and fair resolution of disputes, and improving access to
liability insurance, while preserving an individual’s right to seek redress in court; and Congress should consider establishing a State demonstration program to evaluate alter natives to the existing civil litigation system with respect to the resolution of medical malpractice claims."
Do you see any federally sponsored tort reform? Lip service is there, for sure. No, instead you drop the issue on the states to resolve. Oh, did you notice the word "grant" in this section? Strangely, of the almost 700 times the word grant was used it didn't make it here so the states are on their own to work this one out.
In closing, I am against this bill. You in Congress have screwed up Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, home loan financing, oh let's be honest, just about everything you try to control. Your batting average is in the tank, what makes you think you are going to hit this one out of the park? Let the free market run, without controls, without needless inclusions on health care policies, where doctors get paid depending on their abilities and patients have a right to choose.
With the respect due your office,
Edward Rodda
Saturday, December 12, 2009
And Another Trillion, And Another Trillion, And Another...
Senator Lemieux,
You can't be serious... You are attempting to make a 2000+ page bill something good by hanging a few Republican amendments on it? Have you read this bill, Senator? Have you seen the amount of bureaucracy, or the amount of graft that has been dumped into this bill?
How about adding this amendment? Remove all 685 uses of the word "grant".
Stop the presses, the Washington money launderers have passed a 1.1 trillion dollars spending bill with another trillion to go by the end of the year. Oh, and you are going to have to raise the debt ceiling to get there. My daughter will be happy to pay for that, also. Oh, how angry I should be, but having seen what you all are doing to our country gives me the impetus to start explaining to my daughter the need to get a good education and proceed to a country that can use it while giving her the freedom to use it to her advantage, not the government's. You in Washington have no heart and no soul. You throw huge numbers around like there will be no consequence as you protect yourselves with "private" health insurance and one heck of a golden parachute for a retirement.
Let's review some of the things you just passed that help me:
Needle exchanges for drug addicts with HIV- Nope, doesn't do me a bit of good.
Closing the Gitmo detainee way station- Nope, just brings the terrorists into the country and gives the home grown someplace to move. Good job there, Senator.
5,000 pork barrel projects- Nope, just raises my taxes so you in Washington can get re-elected because "you got more show and tell' than the other guy.
Allow the use of government money for abortions in D.C.- Nope, how is it the guilty must have committed an horrendous crime and have a court order to be put to death and yet the innocent must only be considered a nuisance to have their life ended.
Defense Spending-Nope, you didn't vote for that at all. You are saving that to push through the really bad stuff that just has to get passed. Gee, I can't wait to see that one.
You all need to go. You do not listen, you do not care. You are no longer "Americans" as our grandparents and parents were, who took care of themselves and those around them as they could. You have become the "Great Teat" where the suckling (pig/entitlement receiver, you choose) that makes the most noise and muscles its' way to the front gets the milk. Too bad the nourishment is tainted with the sweat of millions of Americans who have done nothing wrong, except understand each person is responsible for his or her own happiness.
With the respect due the Office of a Senator,
Edward Rodda
P.S. In regards to paragraph one, stop voting for any amendments. As a matter of fact, stop voting on it entirely. Let the Democrats take complete ownership. There is no compromising with megalomania.
You can't be serious... You are attempting to make a 2000+ page bill something good by hanging a few Republican amendments on it? Have you read this bill, Senator? Have you seen the amount of bureaucracy, or the amount of graft that has been dumped into this bill?
How about adding this amendment? Remove all 685 uses of the word "grant".
Stop the presses, the Washington money launderers have passed a 1.1 trillion dollars spending bill with another trillion to go by the end of the year. Oh, and you are going to have to raise the debt ceiling to get there. My daughter will be happy to pay for that, also. Oh, how angry I should be, but having seen what you all are doing to our country gives me the impetus to start explaining to my daughter the need to get a good education and proceed to a country that can use it while giving her the freedom to use it to her advantage, not the government's. You in Washington have no heart and no soul. You throw huge numbers around like there will be no consequence as you protect yourselves with "private" health insurance and one heck of a golden parachute for a retirement.
Let's review some of the things you just passed that help me:
Needle exchanges for drug addicts with HIV- Nope, doesn't do me a bit of good.
Closing the Gitmo detainee way station- Nope, just brings the terrorists into the country and gives the home grown someplace to move. Good job there, Senator.
5,000 pork barrel projects- Nope, just raises my taxes so you in Washington can get re-elected because "you got more show and tell' than the other guy.
Allow the use of government money for abortions in D.C.- Nope, how is it the guilty must have committed an horrendous crime and have a court order to be put to death and yet the innocent must only be considered a nuisance to have their life ended.
Defense Spending-Nope, you didn't vote for that at all. You are saving that to push through the really bad stuff that just has to get passed. Gee, I can't wait to see that one.
You all need to go. You do not listen, you do not care. You are no longer "Americans" as our grandparents and parents were, who took care of themselves and those around them as they could. You have become the "Great Teat" where the suckling (pig/entitlement receiver, you choose) that makes the most noise and muscles its' way to the front gets the milk. Too bad the nourishment is tainted with the sweat of millions of Americans who have done nothing wrong, except understand each person is responsible for his or her own happiness.
With the respect due the Office of a Senator,
Edward Rodda
P.S. In regards to paragraph one, stop voting for any amendments. As a matter of fact, stop voting on it entirely. Let the Democrats take complete ownership. There is no compromising with megalomania.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
So Bill, who do I contact???
To all my "elected" officials,
I have written Senator Nelson on a couple of occasions with my concerns regarding my tax dollars going to foreign companies. His response, quoted below, is less than comforting. He did not take ownership of the issue, he did not provide any information regarding how I am going to get back my part of the half a billion dollars (a mere pittance in today's "my government can take care of me forever" mentality), nor did he provide me with the appropriate elected official's name, key word "elected", whom I may contact to voice my concerns.
I am writing all of you on the chance that one of you will direct me to the right official. In as much as the majority of you are spending most of your time attempting to remove more of my income through hidden taxes, fees, and price increases I do not expect any of you to answer. You are allowed to surprise me.
If any of you would like to review my input to the Senator you may find it at:
Edward Rodda
cc: Senator Nelson
The Senator's reply:
Dear Mr. Rodda:
Thank you for contacting me regarding Fisker Automotive. I appreciate your taking the time to be involved and informed about matters important to Florida and our nation.
Please know that I will keep your views in mind if this issue is considered before the Senate. If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.
Senator Bill Nelson
I have written Senator Nelson on a couple of occasions with my concerns regarding my tax dollars going to foreign companies. His response, quoted below, is less than comforting. He did not take ownership of the issue, he did not provide any information regarding how I am going to get back my part of the half a billion dollars (a mere pittance in today's "my government can take care of me forever" mentality), nor did he provide me with the appropriate elected official's name, key word "elected", whom I may contact to voice my concerns.
I am writing all of you on the chance that one of you will direct me to the right official. In as much as the majority of you are spending most of your time attempting to remove more of my income through hidden taxes, fees, and price increases I do not expect any of you to answer. You are allowed to surprise me.
If any of you would like to review my input to the Senator you may find it at:
Edward Rodda
cc: Senator Nelson
The Senator's reply:
Dear Mr. Rodda:
Thank you for contacting me regarding Fisker Automotive. I appreciate your taking the time to be involved and informed about matters important to Florida and our nation.
Please know that I will keep your views in mind if this issue is considered before the Senate. If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.
Senator Bill Nelson
Monday, November 30, 2009
HOORAY(or should I say phooey)! My First Non-Automated Answer
Well, imagine that. I write a couple of letters with my concerns about a foreign company accepting my tax dollars to build a car I can't afford and here is the response from my elected official. Makes me wonder why I pay him...
Dear Mr. Rodda:
Thank you for contacting me regarding Fisker Automotive. I appreciate your taking the time to be involved and informed about matters important to Florida and our nation.
Please know that I will keep your views in mind if this issue is considered before the Senate. If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.
Senator Bill Nelson
Notice how he dodges the bullet by saying it hasn't been considered so its not his fault... Consider this Bill! If you can't control the flow of money out of my pocket into somebody elses, you'd better be screaming about it!
Dear Mr. Rodda:
Thank you for contacting me regarding Fisker Automotive. I appreciate your taking the time to be involved and informed about matters important to Florida and our nation.
Please know that I will keep your views in mind if this issue is considered before the Senate. If you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me in the future.
Senator Bill Nelson
Notice how he dodges the bullet by saying it hasn't been considered so its not his fault... Consider this Bill! If you can't control the flow of money out of my pocket into somebody elses, you'd better be screaming about it!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
When the White House writes...
Some of you may have received an email from Michelle Obama, I decided to reply...
Michelle, may I call you Michelle?
Thank you for your thoughtful message. My family and I always try and provide for those less fortunate than us regardless of what led them there. In as much as you were thoughtful enough to send me a Thanksgiving message, here is mine to you and your family.
As we prepare our Thanksgiving dinner we are aware that next Thanksgiving, if all goes well for the politicians, we will be living in a completely different America. Instead of giving thanks to God we will be giving thanks to you and your wonderful husband for providing for those in need by taking directly from our larder without us having to do anything but try and make a living.
Michelle, I look back at my life and see all the opportunities I have had, some I have let slip through my fingers, thank you to my wonderful parents for trying to give me a college education. And yet America was there to provide me with many others and I thank God for them. No, I never became another Warren Buffet, not even a Jimmy Buffett, but I was given the tools, and used them to my fullest extent, to become a provider for my family. We live comfortably at a standard of living far greater than many in the world because our forefathers designed a government which allowed the people to be responsible for their own happiness.
Michelle, when you look at America through the glasses colored by the people who have raised you, educated you, and taught you the meaning of loving God what do you see? Were you truly not proud to be an American up to the moment you publicly announced your change of heart? Are you not proud of us Americans, millions of us, who have served our country for many more years than you beloved husband, we that have given him the greatest opportunity in the world and he took it? Are you truly unsatisfied with what our founding fathers provided for us through their love of God; and their foresight to ensure its continued existence through the Bill of Rights? Or do you believe in only one portion of the Declaration of Independence in that “all men are created equal” and that government is responsible for making sure of it?
Michelle, this afternoon when you sit down for Thanksgiving what are you going to tell your daughters to be thankful for? Are you going to be thankful to God who has bestowed many great things upon this nation? Or are you going to tell them to be thankful for the politicians who are bestowing gifts upon those who believe what you have been taught to believe? I pray you do not continue coloring your children’s world with what you have been taught. Tell them to be thankful for what God has given them outright and if not thankful, gracious to those who attempt to ensure the continued existence of this great nation as our founders designed.
Edward Rodda
Michelle, may I call you Michelle?
Thank you for your thoughtful message. My family and I always try and provide for those less fortunate than us regardless of what led them there. In as much as you were thoughtful enough to send me a Thanksgiving message, here is mine to you and your family.
As we prepare our Thanksgiving dinner we are aware that next Thanksgiving, if all goes well for the politicians, we will be living in a completely different America. Instead of giving thanks to God we will be giving thanks to you and your wonderful husband for providing for those in need by taking directly from our larder without us having to do anything but try and make a living.
Michelle, I look back at my life and see all the opportunities I have had, some I have let slip through my fingers, thank you to my wonderful parents for trying to give me a college education. And yet America was there to provide me with many others and I thank God for them. No, I never became another Warren Buffet, not even a Jimmy Buffett, but I was given the tools, and used them to my fullest extent, to become a provider for my family. We live comfortably at a standard of living far greater than many in the world because our forefathers designed a government which allowed the people to be responsible for their own happiness.
Michelle, when you look at America through the glasses colored by the people who have raised you, educated you, and taught you the meaning of loving God what do you see? Were you truly not proud to be an American up to the moment you publicly announced your change of heart? Are you not proud of us Americans, millions of us, who have served our country for many more years than you beloved husband, we that have given him the greatest opportunity in the world and he took it? Are you truly unsatisfied with what our founding fathers provided for us through their love of God; and their foresight to ensure its continued existence through the Bill of Rights? Or do you believe in only one portion of the Declaration of Independence in that “all men are created equal” and that government is responsible for making sure of it?
Michelle, this afternoon when you sit down for Thanksgiving what are you going to tell your daughters to be thankful for? Are you going to be thankful to God who has bestowed many great things upon this nation? Or are you going to tell them to be thankful for the politicians who are bestowing gifts upon those who believe what you have been taught to believe? I pray you do not continue coloring your children’s world with what you have been taught. Tell them to be thankful for what God has given them outright and if not thankful, gracious to those who attempt to ensure the continued existence of this great nation as our founders designed.
Edward Rodda
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Hidden Costs of Health Care Reform
I am writing to provide you with my take on the health care debacle. It continues to amaze me that you believe I will not be paying for the bill regardless of whom you tax/surcharge/fee/fine. These wonderful folks, who are making the lions share, are the ones taking the risks. Have you become so single minded you have forgotten how this country became great? Would Barney Frank be offended because Mr. Ford took a huge risk helping to shove our country from an agrarian nation into the manufacturing leader of the 20th century? Do you not believe the descendents of Mr. Ford who are taking the risks today will not pass on your tax/surcharge/fee/fine to the end user of the product, hmmm, which is me? Do you not believe you will increase the price tag of every item the government purchases thereby giving you in Washington another reason to raise our personal taxes, as if you didn’t have enough reasons already?
In regards to the bill itself, I will not ever get what you promised with this health care proposal. First off, as it is over 1900 pages, can you even show me in the House bill where your personal promises are? Secondly, with the amount of bureaucracy you have added into the mix, do you for a minute believe I will be able to call my primary care physician and be able to see him within a day or two? I will tell you this, Senator, I live in Key West and to be able to see the best orthopedist here I have to wait 2 months. What are the chances of me seeing him at all once you take over? You are going to control his every move to get the most out of him because the dirty little secret is you don’t have enough physicians because of the regulations you already have foisted on them. He may try to ride out the storm but my bet is if he is any good he will take his shingle down and move to where he can work without so much government control. And where does that leave me? I will tell you where, Senator, seeing “doctors” who do not look beyond the prescription they write because some bureaucrat has complete control of my health care based on my age and what I can provide to the tax base.
No, Senator, this bill is not good for me or the country. I have written you many times in the past and discussed how this level playing field will not work. This bill will put in the end zone for you in Washington so at the end of the day you can look down from your box seat and watch those of us that are left scurry around on the field like ants trying to reach our goals. Too bad our end zone has been removed by the people we have voted into power.
Edward Rodda
I am writing to provide you with my take on the health care debacle. It continues to amaze me that you believe I will not be paying for the bill regardless of whom you tax/surcharge/fee/fine. These wonderful folks, who are making the lions share, are the ones taking the risks. Have you become so single minded you have forgotten how this country became great? Would Barney Frank be offended because Mr. Ford took a huge risk helping to shove our country from an agrarian nation into the manufacturing leader of the 20th century? Do you not believe the descendents of Mr. Ford who are taking the risks today will not pass on your tax/surcharge/fee/fine to the end user of the product, hmmm, which is me? Do you not believe you will increase the price tag of every item the government purchases thereby giving you in Washington another reason to raise our personal taxes, as if you didn’t have enough reasons already?
In regards to the bill itself, I will not ever get what you promised with this health care proposal. First off, as it is over 1900 pages, can you even show me in the House bill where your personal promises are? Secondly, with the amount of bureaucracy you have added into the mix, do you for a minute believe I will be able to call my primary care physician and be able to see him within a day or two? I will tell you this, Senator, I live in Key West and to be able to see the best orthopedist here I have to wait 2 months. What are the chances of me seeing him at all once you take over? You are going to control his every move to get the most out of him because the dirty little secret is you don’t have enough physicians because of the regulations you already have foisted on them. He may try to ride out the storm but my bet is if he is any good he will take his shingle down and move to where he can work without so much government control. And where does that leave me? I will tell you where, Senator, seeing “doctors” who do not look beyond the prescription they write because some bureaucrat has complete control of my health care based on my age and what I can provide to the tax base.
No, Senator, this bill is not good for me or the country. I have written you many times in the past and discussed how this level playing field will not work. This bill will put in the end zone for you in Washington so at the end of the day you can look down from your box seat and watch those of us that are left scurry around on the field like ants trying to reach our goals. Too bad our end zone has been removed by the people we have voted into power.
Edward Rodda
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Republicans = Democrats
To all my elected officials,
Well, it is now official. When a Republican candidate endorses a Democratic candidate I know we no longer have a two party system. We have a one party system that feeds off the taxpayer. You in Washington have lost your way. I am not your cash cow, I am not your servant, and I am certainly not going to listen to anything you have to say. You all have become guests of a continual Roman orgy, gorging yourselves on the fruits of my labor. It is time for you to understand the real meaning of the second amendment.
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." I am sure you all watch Glenn Beck so you must know I am quoting Thomas Jefferson.
For those whose vocabulary does not contain the word tyranny, but do prescribe to the teachings of Mao and the behavior of Chavez, here is a definition:
“Arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.”
Do you understand how close you are to this point? Do you have any idea the number of firearms and stocks of ammunition that have been purchased by “law abiding” citizens? Do you not understand that we, as a people, are entirely against what you are attempting and given no other alternative may resort to such an unthinkable response to your behavior?
We are a supposed to be a free people, unfettered by the heavy hand of government. And yet you attempt to regulate every minute of our lives as you pour our tax dollars into the hands of those who support your drive to a socialist utopia where wealth is spread as government sees fit. Do you not understand we will not willingly be led down the path to a life where government holds the keys to our happiness? The spirit that assembled this nation, ripping it from the hands of its overseers, is alive. You have attempted to marginalize everything this country stands for and yet the heartbeat continues. You have failed.
I have written each and every one of you on more than several occasions, thinking you actually care, but with today’s actions by candidate Scozzafava, who was selected by the RNC, the true colors of Washington are finally shining. You have become “lords and ladies” believing you know better than I how to live my life. The ones who come to bring our country back to its Constitutional roots are the ones I will be fighting and voting for, regardless of the myriad of labels you attempt to apply to them. It truly is time to throw the bums (that would be you) out!
With the respect due your position,
Edward Rodda
Well, it is now official. When a Republican candidate endorses a Democratic candidate I know we no longer have a two party system. We have a one party system that feeds off the taxpayer. You in Washington have lost your way. I am not your cash cow, I am not your servant, and I am certainly not going to listen to anything you have to say. You all have become guests of a continual Roman orgy, gorging yourselves on the fruits of my labor. It is time for you to understand the real meaning of the second amendment.
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." I am sure you all watch Glenn Beck so you must know I am quoting Thomas Jefferson.
For those whose vocabulary does not contain the word tyranny, but do prescribe to the teachings of Mao and the behavior of Chavez, here is a definition:
“Arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.”
Do you understand how close you are to this point? Do you have any idea the number of firearms and stocks of ammunition that have been purchased by “law abiding” citizens? Do you not understand that we, as a people, are entirely against what you are attempting and given no other alternative may resort to such an unthinkable response to your behavior?
We are a supposed to be a free people, unfettered by the heavy hand of government. And yet you attempt to regulate every minute of our lives as you pour our tax dollars into the hands of those who support your drive to a socialist utopia where wealth is spread as government sees fit. Do you not understand we will not willingly be led down the path to a life where government holds the keys to our happiness? The spirit that assembled this nation, ripping it from the hands of its overseers, is alive. You have attempted to marginalize everything this country stands for and yet the heartbeat continues. You have failed.
I have written each and every one of you on more than several occasions, thinking you actually care, but with today’s actions by candidate Scozzafava, who was selected by the RNC, the true colors of Washington are finally shining. You have become “lords and ladies” believing you know better than I how to live my life. The ones who come to bring our country back to its Constitutional roots are the ones I will be fighting and voting for, regardless of the myriad of labels you attempt to apply to them. It truly is time to throw the bums (that would be you) out!
With the respect due your position,
Edward Rodda
Friday, October 30, 2009
When They Listen...
Representative Ros-Lehtinen,
I called your office yesterday to see if you had come up with your feelings on health care reform. They recommended I visit your website and review your remarks, which I just did.
Now say it often and loud to your fellow law makers, okay, Constitutionally challenged compatriots, in the House.
All the best,
Edward Rodda ETC(SS), USN, Retired
I called your office yesterday to see if you had come up with your feelings on health care reform. They recommended I visit your website and review your remarks, which I just did.
Now say it often and loud to your fellow law makers, okay, Constitutionally challenged compatriots, in the House.
All the best,
Edward Rodda ETC(SS), USN, Retired
Thursday, October 29, 2009
UAW Eyes Another Company to Drag Under
So let me get this straight. You authorized giving half a billion dollars of my money to a foreign company to buy a plant that was shut down due to high overhead caused by excessive profits of the unions, the same people who are now running GM and Chrysler, and then give them sweet deals on tax breaks so they can build a car I can’t afford. How thoughtful of you.
Yes, the company that got you to slip them a check for half a billion is now going to slip it to us. Oh yes, I read FOX news, it appears Mr. Biden was bragging to his voting base. I bet the UAW can’t wait to get their hands on this company. How can Fisker not pay the going union wage? I can hear your pay czar now, “you have to pay these people more because we gave you seed money”. Oh wait, we gave them the money in 09’ but we won’t see the first car until 2012. Hey, that’s a presidential election year. Could it be…? No, he wouldn’t dare use it as an example of his policies working towards a greener America, would he…?
On a separate note, where is your vice president going to get the POWER to charge all these cars? Bill, do you remember my letter where I discussed how if you don’t allow business to search for energy and build power plants it won’t matter how many people change to mercury containing fluorescent bulbs? Is it coming back to you yet, Bill? Remember when I asked you, when are you going to address the need for more energy? And please, do not try and sell me any of the power from your solar plant. It already cost me more than I can afford and still can’t light one of my CFB’s (compact fluorescent bulbs) after sunset.
It really doesn’t matter what I write you or call you about does it, you are able to take my money, give it to people who don’t deserve it, and then go on and make life and death decisions over the populace that voted you into office by controlling their health care, but that is the subject of a different letter. I wonder if you sleep well at night, Senator. I know I don’t.
With the respect due the office of Senator,
Edward Rodda
P.S. Check out my blog, you'd probably be the first, at Some of it may be vaguely familiar.
P.P.S. You are welcome to answer the questions that are not tongue in cheek.
So let me get this straight. You authorized giving half a billion dollars of my money to a foreign company to buy a plant that was shut down due to high overhead caused by excessive profits of the unions, the same people who are now running GM and Chrysler, and then give them sweet deals on tax breaks so they can build a car I can’t afford. How thoughtful of you.
Yes, the company that got you to slip them a check for half a billion is now going to slip it to us. Oh yes, I read FOX news, it appears Mr. Biden was bragging to his voting base. I bet the UAW can’t wait to get their hands on this company. How can Fisker not pay the going union wage? I can hear your pay czar now, “you have to pay these people more because we gave you seed money”. Oh wait, we gave them the money in 09’ but we won’t see the first car until 2012. Hey, that’s a presidential election year. Could it be…? No, he wouldn’t dare use it as an example of his policies working towards a greener America, would he…?
On a separate note, where is your vice president going to get the POWER to charge all these cars? Bill, do you remember my letter where I discussed how if you don’t allow business to search for energy and build power plants it won’t matter how many people change to mercury containing fluorescent bulbs? Is it coming back to you yet, Bill? Remember when I asked you, when are you going to address the need for more energy? And please, do not try and sell me any of the power from your solar plant. It already cost me more than I can afford and still can’t light one of my CFB’s (compact fluorescent bulbs) after sunset.
It really doesn’t matter what I write you or call you about does it, you are able to take my money, give it to people who don’t deserve it, and then go on and make life and death decisions over the populace that voted you into office by controlling their health care, but that is the subject of a different letter. I wonder if you sleep well at night, Senator. I know I don’t.
With the respect due the office of Senator,
Edward Rodda
P.S. Check out my blog, you'd probably be the first, at Some of it may be vaguely familiar.
P.P.S. You are welcome to answer the questions that are not tongue in cheek.
Monday, October 12, 2009
1 Trillion Dollars... For What?
So, let me get this straight. You are going to charge me and the people who still pay taxes a trillion dollars, let’s be honest for once, and for my trillion I get:
1. To wait for appointments.
2. 500 billion stripped from an account I have put into my whole life. And this just as the baby boomers really start to retire, you must be so proud.
3. Higher taxes to pay for this boondoggle. Oh, did I say I get to pay them for three years before I see one appointment under this new system. And did I say I have to pay my health insurance premiums at the same time.
4. To pay insurance for those who can afford it but don’t want it.
5. To pay for abortions, which happen to be against my religious beliefs. Gee, isn’t that what the United States was formed for, so we could follow our religious convictions without government intervention.
And here is what I don’t get:
1. Tort reform.
2. Free trade across state lines for insurers.
3. Safeguards to prevent illegal aliens from spending MY MONEY (not yours, senator).
4. Here’s a good one… better health care because no where in this bill have you figured out how you are going to get the doctors.
5. And an even better one… coverage for all the people you want it to help! I can’t wait to see that bill.
And the Pièce de Résistance, if I choose not to have health care you are going to fine me and put me in jail. How American this is, Senator. Senator, I wonder if you sleep well at night, knowing you are trying to buy votes from more and more of the people who don’t pay taxes and strip the hard work from those of us who still pay to keep this country safe.
I couldn’t find the right words to close this with so I decided to paraphrase one of your compatriots in the House. I will continue to try and get through to you, but really Senator “Trying to have a conversation with you is like arguing with a dining room table”.
With the respect due the Office of Senator,
Edward Rodda
So, let me get this straight. You are going to charge me and the people who still pay taxes a trillion dollars, let’s be honest for once, and for my trillion I get:
1. To wait for appointments.
2. 500 billion stripped from an account I have put into my whole life. And this just as the baby boomers really start to retire, you must be so proud.
3. Higher taxes to pay for this boondoggle. Oh, did I say I get to pay them for three years before I see one appointment under this new system. And did I say I have to pay my health insurance premiums at the same time.
4. To pay insurance for those who can afford it but don’t want it.
5. To pay for abortions, which happen to be against my religious beliefs. Gee, isn’t that what the United States was formed for, so we could follow our religious convictions without government intervention.
And here is what I don’t get:
1. Tort reform.
2. Free trade across state lines for insurers.
3. Safeguards to prevent illegal aliens from spending MY MONEY (not yours, senator).
4. Here’s a good one… better health care because no where in this bill have you figured out how you are going to get the doctors.
5. And an even better one… coverage for all the people you want it to help! I can’t wait to see that bill.
And the Pièce de Résistance, if I choose not to have health care you are going to fine me and put me in jail. How American this is, Senator. Senator, I wonder if you sleep well at night, knowing you are trying to buy votes from more and more of the people who don’t pay taxes and strip the hard work from those of us who still pay to keep this country safe.
I couldn’t find the right words to close this with so I decided to paraphrase one of your compatriots in the House. I will continue to try and get through to you, but really Senator “Trying to have a conversation with you is like arguing with a dining room table”.
With the respect due the Office of Senator,
Edward Rodda
Friday, October 9, 2009
Kevin Jenkins, The Safe Sex, OOPS, My Bad, The Safe School Czar. Sent October 09'
Explain to me why the two largest religions in the world, Christians and Muslims, believe that homosexuality is wrong and yet Mr. Obama appoints a homosexual who supports pedophelia as the Czar of Safe Schools (or is it the Czar of Safe Sex in Schools). Do you not find this the least bit strange? Are you not concerned of Mr. Jenkins’ agenda? Let me bring some facts to light for you, Senator.
The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual) Scholarship Association of Idaho reported there are an estimated 1.4 million LGBT students as of 2005, less than 2 percent of the total student population. Sadly, they did not report how they determined this amount. GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, complains that 90% of the time teachers and administrators actually did something when epithets or actions were observed against alleged LGBT students*.
Another study, performed by the National Center for Educational Statistics, determined there were 1.5 million home schooled students with a plus/minus error of 231,000 students in 2007. “The three reasons selected by parents of more than two-thirds of students were concern about the school environment, to provide religious or moral instruction, and dissatisfaction with the academic instruction available at other schools. From 2003 to 2007, the percentage of students whose parents reported homeschooling to provide religious or moral instruction increased from 72 percent to 83 percent**.” Sadly, administrators and teachers have done nothing to correct this glaring problem in our public school system.
Senator, we do not need more fringe education provided by an anathema to the great majority of parents. Mr. Obama’s continued appointment of tax evaders, communists, and pedophiles to positions of authority are an indication that he, Mr. Obama, does not have the ability to make “educated” choices and therefore is not fit to lead.
With the respect due the office of Senator,
Edward Rodda
Explain to me why the two largest religions in the world, Christians and Muslims, believe that homosexuality is wrong and yet Mr. Obama appoints a homosexual who supports pedophelia as the Czar of Safe Schools (or is it the Czar of Safe Sex in Schools). Do you not find this the least bit strange? Are you not concerned of Mr. Jenkins’ agenda? Let me bring some facts to light for you, Senator.
The LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual) Scholarship Association of Idaho reported there are an estimated 1.4 million LGBT students as of 2005, less than 2 percent of the total student population. Sadly, they did not report how they determined this amount. GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, complains that 90% of the time teachers and administrators actually did something when epithets or actions were observed against alleged LGBT students*.
Another study, performed by the National Center for Educational Statistics, determined there were 1.5 million home schooled students with a plus/minus error of 231,000 students in 2007. “The three reasons selected by parents of more than two-thirds of students were concern about the school environment, to provide religious or moral instruction, and dissatisfaction with the academic instruction available at other schools. From 2003 to 2007, the percentage of students whose parents reported homeschooling to provide religious or moral instruction increased from 72 percent to 83 percent**.” Sadly, administrators and teachers have done nothing to correct this glaring problem in our public school system.
Senator, we do not need more fringe education provided by an anathema to the great majority of parents. Mr. Obama’s continued appointment of tax evaders, communists, and pedophiles to positions of authority are an indication that he, Mr. Obama, does not have the ability to make “educated” choices and therefore is not fit to lead.
With the respect due the office of Senator,
Edward Rodda
State's Rights are Paramount. Sent April 09
Good morning Gov. Crist,
I have never written you before but the Obama Federal Train must be stopped. Governor Perry from the Great State of Texas has made the following statement:
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”
I would like to know when you are going to join Governor Perry in a stand against the socialization of our nation. Do not look at your political career when you make this decision. Look at what is good for the country. It is time to derail this runaway. Stand up governor. Cape Coral is a picture of what the federal government did to this state by forcing lenders make bad loans. The federal government has infringed on our rights to life, by allowing abortion; to liberty, by not allowing the search for oil and restricting our movement due to the price of fuel; and to the pursuit of happiness by forcing us to pay for this huge intrusion into our finances as we begin to pay and pay and pay for this debacle. This is the real truth.
I pray you make the right decision,
Ed Rodda
I have never written you before but the Obama Federal Train must be stopped. Governor Perry from the Great State of Texas has made the following statement:
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”
I would like to know when you are going to join Governor Perry in a stand against the socialization of our nation. Do not look at your political career when you make this decision. Look at what is good for the country. It is time to derail this runaway. Stand up governor. Cape Coral is a picture of what the federal government did to this state by forcing lenders make bad loans. The federal government has infringed on our rights to life, by allowing abortion; to liberty, by not allowing the search for oil and restricting our movement due to the price of fuel; and to the pursuit of happiness by forcing us to pay for this huge intrusion into our finances as we begin to pay and pay and pay for this debacle. This is the real truth.
I pray you make the right decision,
Ed Rodda
Foreign Fisker Frisks U.S. for Half a Billion. Sent August 09'
Hey Bill,
How bout that Al Gore? I didn't even feel his hand in my back pocket... Oh wait; he is not an elected official so it must have been your hand in my pocket. Hey Bill, when are you going to stop giving away my money, and to a company that doesn't have to pay taxes? My, my, my, how are you going to get votes from those folks? You know, I own GM and Chrysler, why didn't you throw one of them that bone (even though you have already thrown them the cow)?
Now you can see why I don't trust you. You give my money to people I don't even know so they can make things I can't afford (I bet Al will buy one). Too bad you can't spend a half a billion on something that would do some good, like maybe a power plant, or an oil or gas well, or something out of this world, like a return to the moon.
No Bill, you just keep your hand in my back pocket taking what I earn and giving it to people who haven't earned it or deserve it. That is really going to improve the economy.
With the respect due the title of Senator,
Ed Rodda
P.S. Please answer the couple of questions hidden in the letter.
How bout that Al Gore? I didn't even feel his hand in my back pocket... Oh wait; he is not an elected official so it must have been your hand in my pocket. Hey Bill, when are you going to stop giving away my money, and to a company that doesn't have to pay taxes? My, my, my, how are you going to get votes from those folks? You know, I own GM and Chrysler, why didn't you throw one of them that bone (even though you have already thrown them the cow)?
Now you can see why I don't trust you. You give my money to people I don't even know so they can make things I can't afford (I bet Al will buy one). Too bad you can't spend a half a billion on something that would do some good, like maybe a power plant, or an oil or gas well, or something out of this world, like a return to the moon.
No Bill, you just keep your hand in my back pocket taking what I earn and giving it to people who haven't earned it or deserve it. That is really going to improve the economy.
With the respect due the title of Senator,
Ed Rodda
P.S. Please answer the couple of questions hidden in the letter.
Fine Me and Jail Me for Health Care Insurance? Sent August 09'
Hey Bill,
Just read some more of the interesting news on how you, and I mean you, are planning to pay for the latest control over my actions. Let me get this straight, if I choose to not have health care and do not pay the fine (okay, tax) you and your cohorts in Congress are going to throw me in jail and fine me 25 G's. Here is my question. When enough Americans stand up against you and your control of our lives where are you going to put us all? On top of that, how can we afford to pay for all the health care you promised to all the people who voted for you and are too POOR to take care of themselves once we are in jail? You are a corrupt politician who has offered my hard work to pay for someone else's vote. The Constitution does not promise Happiness it only guaranties the pursuit of it. Stop taking my happiness and giving it to someone else. Stay out of my life, my decisions, and my money. Go do what you swore to do. That would be to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States", not rewrite it.
You are a HYPOCRITE, Bill. Go work for ACORN, they could use a good two faced liar whose only interest is to get more money from the government... Oh yeah, the government is me.
With the respect due the office of a Senator (but just barely),
Ed Rodda
Oh, and be sure and answer the two questions I hid in my letter.
Just read some more of the interesting news on how you, and I mean you, are planning to pay for the latest control over my actions. Let me get this straight, if I choose to not have health care and do not pay the fine (okay, tax) you and your cohorts in Congress are going to throw me in jail and fine me 25 G's. Here is my question. When enough Americans stand up against you and your control of our lives where are you going to put us all? On top of that, how can we afford to pay for all the health care you promised to all the people who voted for you and are too POOR to take care of themselves once we are in jail? You are a corrupt politician who has offered my hard work to pay for someone else's vote. The Constitution does not promise Happiness it only guaranties the pursuit of it. Stop taking my happiness and giving it to someone else. Stay out of my life, my decisions, and my money. Go do what you swore to do. That would be to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States", not rewrite it.
You are a HYPOCRITE, Bill. Go work for ACORN, they could use a good two faced liar whose only interest is to get more money from the government... Oh yeah, the government is me.
With the respect due the office of a Senator (but just barely),
Ed Rodda
Oh, and be sure and answer the two questions I hid in my letter.
A Little Grease For Mr. Axelrod... Sent August 09'
Please forward to Mr. Axelrod
I am one of the millions of Americans that you and the people you control have labeled a brown shirt wearing, swastika painting, racist. I also found out today I am no better than a dining room table because I disagree with the Mr. Obama's vision for America, thank you Barney. I know there is nothing I can say to change your mind just as there is nothing you can say that will cause me to turn 180 degrees. But let me make an observation.
Mr. Axelrod, many years ago I used to listen to radio Moscow when we were on station in the Med, yes, I am retired Navy, and I was amazed that anyone could listen and believe what was being said. Now I understand. When only one view is being broadcast; where differing opinions are tagged as without merit or the speaker is belittled for thinking differently, i.e. Mr. Frank's remarks; one has the beginnings of, oh, lets not quibble, a communist state where the central committee knows what is best for the proletariat.
Mr. Axelrod, I have been too many places and seen too many things not to realize what you and yours are trying to accomplish. It is not health care, it is not cap and trade, it is not auto company bailouts (or is it buyouts), and it is certainly not leveling the playing field for all. It is control.
I wish you good health Mr. Axelrod, even though I disagree with you, because I want you to see the American people stand up for the rights of the individual and send you packing. Your actions are an affront to what I have grown up learning and spent my adult life protecting. Even as you spend millions trying to force your vision of America down my throat, I will be vomiting the truth back in your face.
Ed Rodda
I am one of the millions of Americans that you and the people you control have labeled a brown shirt wearing, swastika painting, racist. I also found out today I am no better than a dining room table because I disagree with the Mr. Obama's vision for America, thank you Barney. I know there is nothing I can say to change your mind just as there is nothing you can say that will cause me to turn 180 degrees. But let me make an observation.
Mr. Axelrod, many years ago I used to listen to radio Moscow when we were on station in the Med, yes, I am retired Navy, and I was amazed that anyone could listen and believe what was being said. Now I understand. When only one view is being broadcast; where differing opinions are tagged as without merit or the speaker is belittled for thinking differently, i.e. Mr. Frank's remarks; one has the beginnings of, oh, lets not quibble, a communist state where the central committee knows what is best for the proletariat.
Mr. Axelrod, I have been too many places and seen too many things not to realize what you and yours are trying to accomplish. It is not health care, it is not cap and trade, it is not auto company bailouts (or is it buyouts), and it is certainly not leveling the playing field for all. It is control.
I wish you good health Mr. Axelrod, even though I disagree with you, because I want you to see the American people stand up for the rights of the individual and send you packing. Your actions are an affront to what I have grown up learning and spent my adult life protecting. Even as you spend millions trying to force your vision of America down my throat, I will be vomiting the truth back in your face.
Ed Rodda
Angry? Who Me? Sent August 09?
Just a quick note to let you know I am one of the angry mob who is against government takeover of health care. As a retired disabled vet I know first hand what it is like to have the government be in control. VA appointments are laughable and now from what I understand, you in Washington have changed my Tricare manager from Humana to the low bidder. Have you read any of the blogs regarding Aetna? In any case, do not be fooled. The Dem's want private insurance to go away. They do not want us to have choices, they want control. I vote no. You guys in Washington would bring a knife to a gun fight. Stay out of it and let the free market handle it. Oh, yeah, and keep your regulations out of it, too. We all see what you did to the housing market with regulations and intimidation.
Yes, I am part of that angry mob and I am yelling at the top of my lungs to my elected representatives. But are they listening??? Do they comprehend??? Or are they comfortable with the knowledge that big government can handle any problem, like recommending assisted suicide instead of chemo because the cost outweighs the possible tax revenue from the patient.
You see who is being appointed to positions of power... Why aren't you screaming, too? I know the answer.
With the respect due the position of whomever is reading this email,
Edward Rodda
Just a quick note to let you know I am one of the angry mob who is against government takeover of health care. As a retired disabled vet I know first hand what it is like to have the government be in control. VA appointments are laughable and now from what I understand, you in Washington have changed my Tricare manager from Humana to the low bidder. Have you read any of the blogs regarding Aetna? In any case, do not be fooled. The Dem's want private insurance to go away. They do not want us to have choices, they want control. I vote no. You guys in Washington would bring a knife to a gun fight. Stay out of it and let the free market handle it. Oh, yeah, and keep your regulations out of it, too. We all see what you did to the housing market with regulations and intimidation.
Yes, I am part of that angry mob and I am yelling at the top of my lungs to my elected representatives. But are they listening??? Do they comprehend??? Or are they comfortable with the knowledge that big government can handle any problem, like recommending assisted suicide instead of chemo because the cost outweighs the possible tax revenue from the patient.
You see who is being appointed to positions of power... Why aren't you screaming, too? I know the answer.
With the respect due the position of whomever is reading this email,
Edward Rodda
I Guess I Wasn't Clear Enough on Health Care. Sent June 09'
I read the statement by your party’s leader blaming health care for the deficit with absolute amazement. Is this a slight of hand trick? Are we not supposed to notice what you in Washington have done in the last 8 months? Is blaming President Bush out of vogue now? Are we supposed to forget about ACORN, in collusion with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, dismantling our financial market under the watchful eye of Barney Frank?
Senator, I am tired of being the cash cow for your social agenda whims. I am not responsible for other people's poor judgment or irresponsibility. What part of "Stop Spending My Money" do you not understand? Have you told your staff how they are going to pay for your outlandish schemes with increased taxes, taxes on just about everything? Or have you promised to make them part of the ruling class that can take their family on a four jet date that costs the proletariat thousands of hard earned dollars?
I am against everything this man stands for. He is causing great harm to this country. He does not have my best interest at heart. To support what he stands for is a miscalculation at best and the knowing dismemberment of the union at worst.
Senator, life is not fair! Stop trying to make it that way!
With the respect due the title of Senator,
Edward Rodda
I read the statement by your party’s leader blaming health care for the deficit with absolute amazement. Is this a slight of hand trick? Are we not supposed to notice what you in Washington have done in the last 8 months? Is blaming President Bush out of vogue now? Are we supposed to forget about ACORN, in collusion with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, dismantling our financial market under the watchful eye of Barney Frank?
Senator, I am tired of being the cash cow for your social agenda whims. I am not responsible for other people's poor judgment or irresponsibility. What part of "Stop Spending My Money" do you not understand? Have you told your staff how they are going to pay for your outlandish schemes with increased taxes, taxes on just about everything? Or have you promised to make them part of the ruling class that can take their family on a four jet date that costs the proletariat thousands of hard earned dollars?
I am against everything this man stands for. He is causing great harm to this country. He does not have my best interest at heart. To support what he stands for is a miscalculation at best and the knowing dismemberment of the union at worst.
Senator, life is not fair! Stop trying to make it that way!
With the respect due the title of Senator,
Edward Rodda
Who Says Health Care is Broken? Sent June '09
Senator (or whoever is reading this),
In regards to your response to my email:
Millions upon millions of Americans do not believe health care is broken. What we do believe is that the lawyers have created a huge black hole where millions upon millions of insurance dollars are poured to protect the doctors from lawsuits. You lawyers in Congress continue to do nothing about the root cause, just as you do nothing to increase energy production (too bad they don't put those wind turbines around D.C., just think of the megawatts they can produce), or protect us from the likes of Barney Frank and his cronies who ensured the financial collapse by protecting the sub prime market for years. Senator, I am tired of footing your bills, your pay, and your perks. It is time for a clean sweep of Congress. The knowledge that we will be forced to pay for your outlandish and asinine ideas for years and years will be your comfort. For that I am sure.
With the respect due to the position of whomever reads this,
Edward Rodda
In regards to your response to my email:
Millions upon millions of Americans do not believe health care is broken. What we do believe is that the lawyers have created a huge black hole where millions upon millions of insurance dollars are poured to protect the doctors from lawsuits. You lawyers in Congress continue to do nothing about the root cause, just as you do nothing to increase energy production (too bad they don't put those wind turbines around D.C., just think of the megawatts they can produce), or protect us from the likes of Barney Frank and his cronies who ensured the financial collapse by protecting the sub prime market for years. Senator, I am tired of footing your bills, your pay, and your perks. It is time for a clean sweep of Congress. The knowledge that we will be forced to pay for your outlandish and asinine ideas for years and years will be your comfort. For that I am sure.
With the respect due to the position of whomever reads this,
Edward Rodda
Hello, Senator Martinez, Senator Martinez... Sent June 09'
Senator Martinez,
Thank you for your response. I have written you on dozens of occasions and I believe this is the first time I have received an actual response that is not form letter.
I wrote Senator Nelson regarding the same issue and he is blindly following the Party line and does not care about the huge cost he is foisting on the American people.
Senator, it is none of your business how I live my life, therefore there should be no concern from the federal government regarding how I take care of me. That is why I live here. I pay my taxes and my health care and I accept the consequences of my past actions and those I might perform in the future. Bush 41 just jumped out of an airplane at the age of 80+. Under your health care plan he would not have been covered if he had broken a hip because he wasn't being "respectful" to his body. What other behavior are you in Washington going to limit to pay for your health care program? Do you not see what is going on, Senator? Do you not read history, Senator? This is America, Senator, not England, or Canada, or the USSR.
Senator, the real culprits to the cost of health care are the insurance costs of doctors that protect them from malpractice suits brought by lawyers, like those in Congress, who are looking for the fast buck.
Senator, I wish I could sit down and talk about issues with you. This country is so headed down the wrong path and there is no leadership in the conservative arena protecting me from government intervention, much less for the protection of our country.
I do believe we are no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are the land of coddled and the home of the entitled. Personal responsibility has gone the way of the dodo bird.
I guess I will wait patiently at home for my entitlement checks, making sure I do nothing to damage my health for the fear of being rejected, (rats, I am getting old so I am put on the back burner anyway), and wait for the day I die knowing that the government is going to make sure I live my life to fullest and I do not need to worry about the future because Uncle Sam has my back.
Shaking my head in disdain in Key West,
Edward Rodda
Thank you for your response. I have written you on dozens of occasions and I believe this is the first time I have received an actual response that is not form letter.
I wrote Senator Nelson regarding the same issue and he is blindly following the Party line and does not care about the huge cost he is foisting on the American people.
Senator, it is none of your business how I live my life, therefore there should be no concern from the federal government regarding how I take care of me. That is why I live here. I pay my taxes and my health care and I accept the consequences of my past actions and those I might perform in the future. Bush 41 just jumped out of an airplane at the age of 80+. Under your health care plan he would not have been covered if he had broken a hip because he wasn't being "respectful" to his body. What other behavior are you in Washington going to limit to pay for your health care program? Do you not see what is going on, Senator? Do you not read history, Senator? This is America, Senator, not England, or Canada, or the USSR.
Senator, the real culprits to the cost of health care are the insurance costs of doctors that protect them from malpractice suits brought by lawyers, like those in Congress, who are looking for the fast buck.
Senator, I wish I could sit down and talk about issues with you. This country is so headed down the wrong path and there is no leadership in the conservative arena protecting me from government intervention, much less for the protection of our country.
I do believe we are no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are the land of coddled and the home of the entitled. Personal responsibility has gone the way of the dodo bird.
I guess I will wait patiently at home for my entitlement checks, making sure I do nothing to damage my health for the fear of being rejected, (rats, I am getting old so I am put on the back burner anyway), and wait for the day I die knowing that the government is going to make sure I live my life to fullest and I do not need to worry about the future because Uncle Sam has my back.
Shaking my head in disdain in Key West,
Edward Rodda
The Cure for Obamacare... Write, Write, Right. Sent May 09'
The below was sent in response to a White House info email...
Just a quick note to let you, the government, know I am against the government mandating, by taxation, what I am allowed to ingest, so that you, the government, can afford to pay for this sham. You, the government, must stay out of my personal life. You, the government do not have the RIGHT to interfere. You, the government, do not have the RIGHT to make me pay for your Nanny state. You, the government, work for me and do what I demand, not the opposite. If you, the government, haven't figured out I am against this latest infringement on my right to choose please call or write and I will try to be a little more direct.
With the respect due the position of whoever is reading this,
Edward Rodda
Just a quick note to let you, the government, know I am against the government mandating, by taxation, what I am allowed to ingest, so that you, the government, can afford to pay for this sham. You, the government, must stay out of my personal life. You, the government do not have the RIGHT to interfere. You, the government, do not have the RIGHT to make me pay for your Nanny state. You, the government, work for me and do what I demand, not the opposite. If you, the government, haven't figured out I am against this latest infringement on my right to choose please call or write and I will try to be a little more direct.
With the respect due the position of whoever is reading this,
Edward Rodda
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Why They Like Us. Sent April 09'
Does it seem odd to you that the socialist and communist country leaders are taking a liking to Mr. Obama? It shouldn't. Mr. Chavez loves taking over private companies and I am sure he gave Mr. Obama a few pointers on how to take care of his opposition. Mr. Castro, on the other hand is more interested in health care so I imagine he described how his country isolates those with AIDS. Oh, I imagine he talked about the ingenuity of his people in regards to keeping those old cars running and how they continue to survive the oppression of a communist regime.
As tongue in cheek as the above is I wrote it for a purpose. Our country stood for freedom, human dignity, and the ability to pursue one's dream without the hand of government reaching into one's life. This is no longer true. It is not about the above countries changing so that we can normalize relations with them. It is our country becoming more socialist, therefore acceptable to the likes of Chavez, who makes his opposition disappear, and the Castro brothers who are well versed in controlling what the Cuban people see by controlling the media.
Senator, I know we are talking from the opposite sides of the aisle but it is time to see the true meaning of what you in Washington are doing. When everyone is equal no one loses but on the other hand no one wins. There is no impetus for striving to do something out of the ordinary. Have you not had enough object lessons throughout your life to see this? In making this country responsible for the day to day activities of its people you have destined it for a slow retreat into obscurity. We cannot afford to do what you in Washington have begun.
I know you do not agree with my views and perhaps you feel I am a threat to our Nation because I am a Vet. Don’t worry, just like you I swore to protect the country from ALL enemies without and within and follow the Constitution. It’s just from where I stand I believe you are shirking your duty.
I went in harms way to protect this country. Now it is your turn Senator. You can start by accepting my humble opinion and end by stopping this madness that we can afford to take care of people from the cradle to the grave.
Please allow me to respect you,
Edward Rodda
Does it seem odd to you that the socialist and communist country leaders are taking a liking to Mr. Obama? It shouldn't. Mr. Chavez loves taking over private companies and I am sure he gave Mr. Obama a few pointers on how to take care of his opposition. Mr. Castro, on the other hand is more interested in health care so I imagine he described how his country isolates those with AIDS. Oh, I imagine he talked about the ingenuity of his people in regards to keeping those old cars running and how they continue to survive the oppression of a communist regime.
As tongue in cheek as the above is I wrote it for a purpose. Our country stood for freedom, human dignity, and the ability to pursue one's dream without the hand of government reaching into one's life. This is no longer true. It is not about the above countries changing so that we can normalize relations with them. It is our country becoming more socialist, therefore acceptable to the likes of Chavez, who makes his opposition disappear, and the Castro brothers who are well versed in controlling what the Cuban people see by controlling the media.
Senator, I know we are talking from the opposite sides of the aisle but it is time to see the true meaning of what you in Washington are doing. When everyone is equal no one loses but on the other hand no one wins. There is no impetus for striving to do something out of the ordinary. Have you not had enough object lessons throughout your life to see this? In making this country responsible for the day to day activities of its people you have destined it for a slow retreat into obscurity. We cannot afford to do what you in Washington have begun.
I know you do not agree with my views and perhaps you feel I am a threat to our Nation because I am a Vet. Don’t worry, just like you I swore to protect the country from ALL enemies without and within and follow the Constitution. It’s just from where I stand I believe you are shirking your duty.
I went in harms way to protect this country. Now it is your turn Senator. You can start by accepting my humble opinion and end by stopping this madness that we can afford to take care of people from the cradle to the grave.
Please allow me to respect you,
Edward Rodda
On Global Warming Compensation. Sent April 09'
Ms. Ros-Lehtinen,
A quick note on the Waxman-Markey blueprint for bilking taxpayer dollars to compensate victims of global warming. My family had to move during the dust bowl era. Please grandfather this bill so I may sue for loss of land. I know it was caused by the industrialization of the country. So much steel was being produced my grandpa said he could see the smoke in Kansas.
Okay, maybe not. But you can see where this is going. Do not allow this bill to pass. You in congress have prevented this country's growth by severely limiting its ability to produce energy. Now you are going to allow people to sue the government for perceived injustices caused by themselves, i.e., turning on lights, running their dryers and air conditioners, and scooting around town in their SUV's (if what the tree huggers say is validated, which it hasn't been). Stop the madness. I am not responsible for people living in Phoenix who complain about the heat (I know, I lived there) and then want to sue because they feel people have caused the problem. What kind of idiocy is that?
In any case, I do not expect an answer even though you work for me. I understand it is more important to worry about the minutia of Miami than the survivability of our nation.
With the respect due your office,
Edward Rodda
A quick note on the Waxman-Markey blueprint for bilking taxpayer dollars to compensate victims of global warming. My family had to move during the dust bowl era. Please grandfather this bill so I may sue for loss of land. I know it was caused by the industrialization of the country. So much steel was being produced my grandpa said he could see the smoke in Kansas.
Okay, maybe not. But you can see where this is going. Do not allow this bill to pass. You in congress have prevented this country's growth by severely limiting its ability to produce energy. Now you are going to allow people to sue the government for perceived injustices caused by themselves, i.e., turning on lights, running their dryers and air conditioners, and scooting around town in their SUV's (if what the tree huggers say is validated, which it hasn't been). Stop the madness. I am not responsible for people living in Phoenix who complain about the heat (I know, I lived there) and then want to sue because they feel people have caused the problem. What kind of idiocy is that?
In any case, I do not expect an answer even though you work for me. I understand it is more important to worry about the minutia of Miami than the survivability of our nation.
With the respect due your office,
Edward Rodda
A Short Answer to Illegal Immigration. Sent April 09'
I just read with some interest that Mr. Obama is intending to find a way to give a pass to illegal immigrants. The answer is no. I instead would recommend standing on the border with a pot of money. Each man, woman, and child would get a check for 5k and would be photographed, fingerprinted, and a DNA sample taken (to prevent turnarounds). If you think this is extreme, remember you ask your all volunteer military to do this. The cost savings are immediately evident by reducing the burden on schools, medical facilities, and unemployment costs. As the Democrats are in power I don't see the down side to this. We are providing for the needy, assisting them in relocating, AND they wanted to go.
Oh yeah, you in Washington will have to close the borders. Oh well, never mind. Just sit up there and do nothing while the country becomes the model of socialism.
With the respect due the office,
Edward Rodda
I just read with some interest that Mr. Obama is intending to find a way to give a pass to illegal immigrants. The answer is no. I instead would recommend standing on the border with a pot of money. Each man, woman, and child would get a check for 5k and would be photographed, fingerprinted, and a DNA sample taken (to prevent turnarounds). If you think this is extreme, remember you ask your all volunteer military to do this. The cost savings are immediately evident by reducing the burden on schools, medical facilities, and unemployment costs. As the Democrats are in power I don't see the down side to this. We are providing for the needy, assisting them in relocating, AND they wanted to go.
Oh yeah, you in Washington will have to close the borders. Oh well, never mind. Just sit up there and do nothing while the country becomes the model of socialism.
With the respect due the office,
Edward Rodda
If Not a Christian Nation, Then an Obama... Sent April 09'
Mr. Obama,
A couple of things. Number one, America is a CHRISTIAN country founded on CHRISTIAN ideals, regardless what your teleprompter tells you. Number two, please stop apologizing for me because I am NOT arrogant, I may be mad as hell, but I am NOT arrogant.
I feel very sorry for your, sir. Whoever taught you life must be an even playing field has done you a great disservice. Your statements and behavior since being elected are echoes from the past. Your obvious intentions to destroy this great nation from within are a sad reminder history will continue to repeat itself. I hope you, Mr. Reid, and Ms. Pelosi can sit back at the end of the day and realize you have weakened this great nation with your actions and your rhetoric.
I would pray for you but as you say, we are not a nation of Christians.
With respect due the Office you hold,
Edward Rodda
A couple of things. Number one, America is a CHRISTIAN country founded on CHRISTIAN ideals, regardless what your teleprompter tells you. Number two, please stop apologizing for me because I am NOT arrogant, I may be mad as hell, but I am NOT arrogant.
I feel very sorry for your, sir. Whoever taught you life must be an even playing field has done you a great disservice. Your statements and behavior since being elected are echoes from the past. Your obvious intentions to destroy this great nation from within are a sad reminder history will continue to repeat itself. I hope you, Mr. Reid, and Ms. Pelosi can sit back at the end of the day and realize you have weakened this great nation with your actions and your rhetoric.
I would pray for you but as you say, we are not a nation of Christians.
With respect due the Office you hold,
Edward Rodda
On GM's (Government Motors) New CEO. Sent March 09'
Morning Senator,
The official said "we wanted to start GM with a clean sheet of paper. We felt the change in leadership would assist that." Taken from a Fox news report this morning
And so it starts. Our government is now careening down the road to socialism. You in Congress took my money and unwisely poured it into a company, against my orders (and many other Americans' orders), that would have better been served by allowing it to go into bankruptcy, where it is now headed anyway.
When are you going to stand up and say that you are part and parcel to this by not going to your constituents and telling them what is going on? Who are you in Congress going to vote on to put in his place? Who do you personally know that is better? How are you going to vet this person? The same as all the tax cheats we have running our country now?
If you haven’t figured out that the Mr. Obama’s remarks to Joe the Plumber are coming true then you definitely need to go back to the country you came from and enjoy the lifestyle you are voting for.
Edward Rodda
The official said "we wanted to start GM with a clean sheet of paper. We felt the change in leadership would assist that." Taken from a Fox news report this morning
And so it starts. Our government is now careening down the road to socialism. You in Congress took my money and unwisely poured it into a company, against my orders (and many other Americans' orders), that would have better been served by allowing it to go into bankruptcy, where it is now headed anyway.
When are you going to stand up and say that you are part and parcel to this by not going to your constituents and telling them what is going on? Who are you in Congress going to vote on to put in his place? Who do you personally know that is better? How are you going to vet this person? The same as all the tax cheats we have running our country now?
If you haven’t figured out that the Mr. Obama’s remarks to Joe the Plumber are coming true then you definitely need to go back to the country you came from and enjoy the lifestyle you are voting for.
Edward Rodda
Chinese Money to Curry Favor. Sent February 09'
Mr. Obama,
I am terribly concerned with your attempt to pay for your stimulus bill with Chinese dollars. I have a pretty good inkling of what the Chinese have done in the area of sea power and all one has to do is read to see what they continue to do. Your infusion of their military with our future is tantamount to treason. In addition, your office is not even using human rights as a carrot. You must be strapped for cash. Former Senator Clinton, she does not deserve the right to be call Secretary, has become your personal beggar as she trots the globe, at my expense, with her hand out.
My question is, Mr. Obama, what has the country you say you are from done to you to deserve this kind of treatment? Your administration is mean spirited and self serving. Your stimulus bill is an obvious attempt to gut my country's free market with the knife of taxes and government takeovers. In your case you have used a meat cleaver. Mr. Obama, I am sorry for you. You have yet to look the American People in the eye and tell them the truth. You hate what this country stands for and you will do everything in your power to dismantle it. Hurry Mr. Obama, we are catching on.
With all due respect,
Edward Rodda, ETC(SS), Retired
I am terribly concerned with your attempt to pay for your stimulus bill with Chinese dollars. I have a pretty good inkling of what the Chinese have done in the area of sea power and all one has to do is read to see what they continue to do. Your infusion of their military with our future is tantamount to treason. In addition, your office is not even using human rights as a carrot. You must be strapped for cash. Former Senator Clinton, she does not deserve the right to be call Secretary, has become your personal beggar as she trots the globe, at my expense, with her hand out.
My question is, Mr. Obama, what has the country you say you are from done to you to deserve this kind of treatment? Your administration is mean spirited and self serving. Your stimulus bill is an obvious attempt to gut my country's free market with the knife of taxes and government takeovers. In your case you have used a meat cleaver. Mr. Obama, I am sorry for you. You have yet to look the American People in the eye and tell them the truth. You hate what this country stands for and you will do everything in your power to dismantle it. Hurry Mr. Obama, we are catching on.
With all due respect,
Edward Rodda, ETC(SS), Retired
Obamanizing Banks. Sent February 09'
Please rein in your President! You in Congress can prevent this madness. Mr. Obama believes every problem can be corrected by printing money and handing it out to the "needy". Too bad the needy are everyone from GM to those who purchased homes well outside their means. Now your President is planning to nationalize banks to make them spend more money on bad debt. IT HAS TO STOP! I work for the federal government just like you Senator. The only difference is that I actually provide a service to the country. You have done us a great disservice by continuing to allow the megalomaniac that we call a President to continue spending our hard earned money and our children's planned income on a pipe dream. Look at the Soviet Union, senator. Socialism didn't work there and it won't work here. Nationalizing banks to force your will upon them is a crime. On a smaller scale it is called blackmail. On a large scale it is called communism. PUT A STOP TO IT, SENATOR.
Edward Rodda
Please rein in your President! You in Congress can prevent this madness. Mr. Obama believes every problem can be corrected by printing money and handing it out to the "needy". Too bad the needy are everyone from GM to those who purchased homes well outside their means. Now your President is planning to nationalize banks to make them spend more money on bad debt. IT HAS TO STOP! I work for the federal government just like you Senator. The only difference is that I actually provide a service to the country. You have done us a great disservice by continuing to allow the megalomaniac that we call a President to continue spending our hard earned money and our children's planned income on a pipe dream. Look at the Soviet Union, senator. Socialism didn't work there and it won't work here. Nationalizing banks to force your will upon them is a crime. On a smaller scale it is called blackmail. On a large scale it is called communism. PUT A STOP TO IT, SENATOR.
Edward Rodda
What Are You Scared Of? Sent February 09'
Representative Ros-Lehtinen,
Now that the true colors of the Obama administration have been unfurled when can we here from our duly elected officials on the local TV and Radio. Mr. Obama has had plenty of free advertising for his radical view of the direction for our country. It is time for you like minded folks in Washington to demand equal time or pay for it to report that our purchased president has plans to rapidly push America down the road to socialism.
Voting against one bill is not enough. Get on the soapbox. I don't care that you don't have a say to what goes on in Washington. Have a voice! Stand up! I will continue to vote for you and help get you reelected. We can stop this process if enough people hear the truth.
Thank you for your time and energy in these most trying times of our country,
Edward Rodda
P.S. I love getting email from you but I sure would like to read something besides "puff" pieces.
Now that the true colors of the Obama administration have been unfurled when can we here from our duly elected officials on the local TV and Radio. Mr. Obama has had plenty of free advertising for his radical view of the direction for our country. It is time for you like minded folks in Washington to demand equal time or pay for it to report that our purchased president has plans to rapidly push America down the road to socialism.
Voting against one bill is not enough. Get on the soapbox. I don't care that you don't have a say to what goes on in Washington. Have a voice! Stand up! I will continue to vote for you and help get you reelected. We can stop this process if enough people hear the truth.
Thank you for your time and energy in these most trying times of our country,
Edward Rodda
P.S. I love getting email from you but I sure would like to read something besides "puff" pieces.
Letter to the President Re: The Porkulus Bill Sent February 09'
Mr. Obama,
I wish to thank you for selling my child's future to special interests. When you sign that bill on Tuesday you have saddled her with a bill that she will pay throughout her lifetime and, unlike her mortgage, will never be able to pay off.
Mr. Obama, I believe you are going down the wrong path. You are a smart person, business is not the problem. Government created the problem with shady loan requirements to banks. I just placed an offer on a 3,2,2 home of approx 1800 sq ft for $180,000. This house has a bad loan on it for half a million given by a bank that was following the rules you in government made them follow. And now you want the American people, and the businesses they own and work in, to pay for our government's ineptitude.
Giving money to ACORN and Madam Pelosi's mouse will not fix the problem, Mr. Obama. Your signature this week will only cement your connection with placing our country on the path to socialism. I, for my part, will repeat over and over again that what you are doing to our country is not in its best interest. You will have taken our freedom to provide for OUR families to reward those who have helped you get elected.
Mr. Obama, you can be a President by sending this bill back to Congress to be rewritten in favor of the people who are actually paying for it; or you can sign it and just be another Democrat who sees murderers in its military, evil in business, and nothing that is good about this country.
With all due respect,
Edward Rodda, USN, Ret.
I wish to thank you for selling my child's future to special interests. When you sign that bill on Tuesday you have saddled her with a bill that she will pay throughout her lifetime and, unlike her mortgage, will never be able to pay off.
Mr. Obama, I believe you are going down the wrong path. You are a smart person, business is not the problem. Government created the problem with shady loan requirements to banks. I just placed an offer on a 3,2,2 home of approx 1800 sq ft for $180,000. This house has a bad loan on it for half a million given by a bank that was following the rules you in government made them follow. And now you want the American people, and the businesses they own and work in, to pay for our government's ineptitude.
Giving money to ACORN and Madam Pelosi's mouse will not fix the problem, Mr. Obama. Your signature this week will only cement your connection with placing our country on the path to socialism. I, for my part, will repeat over and over again that what you are doing to our country is not in its best interest. You will have taken our freedom to provide for OUR families to reward those who have helped you get elected.
Mr. Obama, you can be a President by sending this bill back to Congress to be rewritten in favor of the people who are actually paying for it; or you can sign it and just be another Democrat who sees murderers in its military, evil in business, and nothing that is good about this country.
With all due respect,
Edward Rodda, USN, Ret.
BHO's Plan for the Military. Sent January 09'
Senator Martinez,
Good morning sir, I hope you slept well. You probably didn’t know that our President is attempting to slash the military budget. What can we as citizens that our concerned with the future of our nation do? I have voiced my concerns to both of my elected officials in the senate and most times I feel like I am talking in a sound proof room, I don’t even get an echo to know I have voiced my concern. Wake up and smell the coffee Senator, the left is attempting to dismantle our country and turn it into some 2nd or 3rd world country where we rely on what others think and do to shape the course of our future. I did not vote for Putin, Brown, or Sarkozy.
Senator, the attempt by the President to strip the military of ten percent of its budget prior to stripping ten percent of any other department budget is tantamount to treason. The Constitution states quite clearly to “provide for the common defense” and “promote the general welfare”, not the other way around. I spent 20+ years in the Navy starting in 1978 and my first ship was built in 42’, the second in 44’, the third in 62’, the fourth in 67’ and so on and so forth. What are you asking our sailors to work with now??? Please be as loud as possible:
You in Congress have looked upon the military and what we stand for with disdain for many years. I have listened to people on the street deride me for my uniform and for what we do. This is coming directly from our “leaders”. If people like Murtha are outspoken against what we do for them and people like yourself do not speak loudly and fearlessly against the left’s propaganda then it will not matter how much feel good money you in Washington throw around, not to mention that it is not even your money.
I know your time is short so why not go out with a bang. Stand up for what is right, not expedient. Stand up for America, Senator, and ensure her future.
Edward Rodda
Good morning sir, I hope you slept well. You probably didn’t know that our President is attempting to slash the military budget. What can we as citizens that our concerned with the future of our nation do? I have voiced my concerns to both of my elected officials in the senate and most times I feel like I am talking in a sound proof room, I don’t even get an echo to know I have voiced my concern. Wake up and smell the coffee Senator, the left is attempting to dismantle our country and turn it into some 2nd or 3rd world country where we rely on what others think and do to shape the course of our future. I did not vote for Putin, Brown, or Sarkozy.
Senator, the attempt by the President to strip the military of ten percent of its budget prior to stripping ten percent of any other department budget is tantamount to treason. The Constitution states quite clearly to “provide for the common defense” and “promote the general welfare”, not the other way around. I spent 20+ years in the Navy starting in 1978 and my first ship was built in 42’, the second in 44’, the third in 62’, the fourth in 67’ and so on and so forth. What are you asking our sailors to work with now??? Please be as loud as possible:
You in Congress have looked upon the military and what we stand for with disdain for many years. I have listened to people on the street deride me for my uniform and for what we do. This is coming directly from our “leaders”. If people like Murtha are outspoken against what we do for them and people like yourself do not speak loudly and fearlessly against the left’s propaganda then it will not matter how much feel good money you in Washington throw around, not to mention that it is not even your money.
I know your time is short so why not go out with a bang. Stand up for what is right, not expedient. Stand up for America, Senator, and ensure her future.
Edward Rodda
What Are We Stimulating? Sent January 09'
I have written you on several occasions for varying issues and I realize we are on opposite sides of the fence. There is an old saying, "When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." You can see by the number of businesses that are trying to pass themselves off as banks that the bailout bill is a complete disaster (and will continue to be without strict guidelines and oversight). Barney Frank did our country a great disservice in his position and must be replaced. But I digress.
The 900 Billion Dollar Stimulus Package that President elect Obama and the Democrats are trying to force feed our country will do nothing in the long run to preserve our way of life. You have allocated money for more highways but refuse to allow drilling and refining to go on. I hope you are planning to put in more rest stops for horses and blacksmith shops as we wait in desperation for the magic pill we can drop in our tank and go a thousand miles. Have you thought about how you all are going to tax whatever is going to be our new source when you all completely outlaw any CO2 producing fuel? I am also surprised (and then again, maybe not) you all have not proposed one dollar as a subsidy for any electric generating plant. I have written you in the past regarding this issue. I attempted to keep it at an understandable level by comparing it to a pie and all we have to do is make the slices smaller, until such time as everyone gets one compact fluorescent bulb and can run it for five minutes a day (I feel bad for the ones that are scheduled for daylight hours).
You and people like you are out of touch with what is going on. I do not work for the greater good. I work to provide for MY family. I pay taxes to "provide for the common defense" of our great nation. I "promote the general welfare" by providing my time and money to worthy causes within my community. It is a shame that those in Congress feel that the opposite is the way the Preamble should have been written.
In closing, I understand I am probably just talking to a wall and none or very little of my concerns will be heard. I am not asking for a handout and I even pay my taxes on time (unlike the esteemed Timothy Geithner). I guess I must be really lucky and will end up giving more of my hard earned money to support President-elect Obama’s grand scheme for the redistribution of wealth.
With all due respect,
Edward Rodda
I have written you on several occasions for varying issues and I realize we are on opposite sides of the fence. There is an old saying, "When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." You can see by the number of businesses that are trying to pass themselves off as banks that the bailout bill is a complete disaster (and will continue to be without strict guidelines and oversight). Barney Frank did our country a great disservice in his position and must be replaced. But I digress.
The 900 Billion Dollar Stimulus Package that President elect Obama and the Democrats are trying to force feed our country will do nothing in the long run to preserve our way of life. You have allocated money for more highways but refuse to allow drilling and refining to go on. I hope you are planning to put in more rest stops for horses and blacksmith shops as we wait in desperation for the magic pill we can drop in our tank and go a thousand miles. Have you thought about how you all are going to tax whatever is going to be our new source when you all completely outlaw any CO2 producing fuel? I am also surprised (and then again, maybe not) you all have not proposed one dollar as a subsidy for any electric generating plant. I have written you in the past regarding this issue. I attempted to keep it at an understandable level by comparing it to a pie and all we have to do is make the slices smaller, until such time as everyone gets one compact fluorescent bulb and can run it for five minutes a day (I feel bad for the ones that are scheduled for daylight hours).
You and people like you are out of touch with what is going on. I do not work for the greater good. I work to provide for MY family. I pay taxes to "provide for the common defense" of our great nation. I "promote the general welfare" by providing my time and money to worthy causes within my community. It is a shame that those in Congress feel that the opposite is the way the Preamble should have been written.
In closing, I understand I am probably just talking to a wall and none or very little of my concerns will be heard. I am not asking for a handout and I even pay my taxes on time (unlike the esteemed Timothy Geithner). I guess I must be really lucky and will end up giving more of my hard earned money to support President-elect Obama’s grand scheme for the redistribution of wealth.
With all due respect,
Edward Rodda
On the Abortion Issue. WARNING: GRAPHIC EXAMPLE! Sent November 08'
Good morning Senator,
As my concerns for providing money to failing companies has fallen on deaf ears perhaps a change in subjects will help...
As the father of an 8 year old "woman", that is how all females are named in the bill; I would like to have one line put in the bill. Parents or caregivers will be informed prior to any procedure and will have the "right" to stop or amend the procedure up until the age of majority.
I am responsible for all of her health choices except this one. Why is that???
Our newly elected president has said that he is for partial birth abortions. I wonder what he would do if he saw his grandchild scraped into a bucket to die and he couldn't say anything about it.
I know it is a bit graphic but I believe it brings the point more into focus. I hope that I have not offended too much.
Very respectfully,
Edward Rodda
As my concerns for providing money to failing companies has fallen on deaf ears perhaps a change in subjects will help...
As the father of an 8 year old "woman", that is how all females are named in the bill; I would like to have one line put in the bill. Parents or caregivers will be informed prior to any procedure and will have the "right" to stop or amend the procedure up until the age of majority.
I am responsible for all of her health choices except this one. Why is that???
Our newly elected president has said that he is for partial birth abortions. I wonder what he would do if he saw his grandchild scraped into a bucket to die and he couldn't say anything about it.
I know it is a bit graphic but I believe it brings the point more into focus. I hope that I have not offended too much.
Very respectfully,
Edward Rodda
My Thoughts on Joe the Plumber. Sent October 08'
As we wait in trepidation for the landslide victory of Senator Obama I must put the blame directly in the lap of "Republican" members of Congress. YOU, generally speaking, have decided to bed with the enemy and now have become that which we abhor most. Free spending, no holds barred, bleeding heart liberals who have decided that we must save everyone at the cost of our, obviously not yours, hard earned dollars. Barack said it best when he told the plumber that it was okay to be rich but he would have to take some for those behind him to make sure they had a chance too. What the heck is that??? Why aren't you in Congress calling a spade a spade, standing up and saying this is socialism, the antipathy of what this country stands for? Senator, hard work can improve one's lot so when your next election cycle comes up in the next couple of years I will work very hard to assist a Conservative Republican take your seat in the Senate.
Edward Rodda
As we wait in trepidation for the landslide victory of Senator Obama I must put the blame directly in the lap of "Republican" members of Congress. YOU, generally speaking, have decided to bed with the enemy and now have become that which we abhor most. Free spending, no holds barred, bleeding heart liberals who have decided that we must save everyone at the cost of our, obviously not yours, hard earned dollars. Barack said it best when he told the plumber that it was okay to be rich but he would have to take some for those behind him to make sure they had a chance too. What the heck is that??? Why aren't you in Congress calling a spade a spade, standing up and saying this is socialism, the antipathy of what this country stands for? Senator, hard work can improve one's lot so when your next election cycle comes up in the next couple of years I will work very hard to assist a Conservative Republican take your seat in the Senate.
Edward Rodda
An Example of a Barney Frankism. Sent August 08'
Good morning Senator,
I do not believe bailing out Wall Street or Main Street is a prudent idea. The greed and avarice of the banking/lending community, okay just about everybody involved in real estate, is absolutely amazing. Take for example tax roll number 184524C4000260210 from Lee county. In the space of 4 years the "value" of this home went from 160k to 890K. It does have gulf access and a small pool but jeez Louise... This house is 40 years old and is only 1450 square feet. It is now back on the market, owned by the bank of course, at a more respectable 175k. Do you want to give this lender 810 thousand out of your pocket to cover their poor lending habits? Then don't take it from mine!
Sorry about being so forward but this is absolutely ridiculous.
All the best,
Edward Rodda
I do not believe bailing out Wall Street or Main Street is a prudent idea. The greed and avarice of the banking/lending community, okay just about everybody involved in real estate, is absolutely amazing. Take for example tax roll number 184524C4000260210 from Lee county. In the space of 4 years the "value" of this home went from 160k to 890K. It does have gulf access and a small pool but jeez Louise... This house is 40 years old and is only 1450 square feet. It is now back on the market, owned by the bank of course, at a more respectable 175k. Do you want to give this lender 810 thousand out of your pocket to cover their poor lending habits? Then don't take it from mine!
Sorry about being so forward but this is absolutely ridiculous.
All the best,
Edward Rodda
Drilling Where There Isn't Any Oil is Like Giving Money to People Who Can't Vote. Sent June 08'
Senator Nelson,
I am writing in response to your letter dated the 26th of June, 2008. In regards to the amount of acreage leased. I recommend cancelling the lease and lease the acreage the oil companies feel has a better chance of hitting oil. They are the professionals. I do not feel that this is a valid reason to keep your constituents from receiving the energy that in effect, belongs to them.
In regards to your concern that the price of gas may not go down for a while as a reason not to drill I will refer you back to my example. I only have one loaf of bread at a dollar a slice to share with 100 people but I won’t plant any more wheat, build a mill, or construct a new bakery because it may be years before the price of bread goes down. The part of the equation that you have missed is that more people can eat.
Regarding your bill S.3134, how do you plan to take the rest of the world to task for “speculating” on oil that does not belong to us in the first place? The price of oil is the same all over the world (unless Chavez likes you) and we are not the only purchaser of energy. Actually, the price of oil is set by the Law of Supply and Demand. There is now very little excess oil on the spot market. This coupled with the problems in Iran has driven the price of oil up. If a more stable economy, say ours, were able to pick up the slack and provide the cushion, the price of oil would come down because it is not in as much danger of being made less accessible. If you couldn’t tell, I am not in support of your bill. I would support a bill that would make the drilling and refining of oil less of a burden to the professionals who know how to get it to market in the most economical way.
You state that we are being gouged and we should not give away the store under President Bush. Are you saving it for your prospective president? You will have to allow drilling, refinery building, and power plant erecting sooner or later. Please make it as soon as possible.
In closing, I pointed out in my letter to you there is a need for more refineries in the U.S.. I also brought up the point that a large jump in the oil industry would be a boon to both that industry and manufacturing and steel production. You made no mention of this. It appears that you are only interested in finding someone at fault. It does not appear that you are interested in getting more oil to the country that you are responsible for protecting. Please do not expect any sympathy from me when you try and explain to your constituents why the “fine them into submission” Congress, not the president, is responsible for the debacle that is the energy crisis.
Edward Rodda
I am writing in response to your letter dated the 26th of June, 2008. In regards to the amount of acreage leased. I recommend cancelling the lease and lease the acreage the oil companies feel has a better chance of hitting oil. They are the professionals. I do not feel that this is a valid reason to keep your constituents from receiving the energy that in effect, belongs to them.
In regards to your concern that the price of gas may not go down for a while as a reason not to drill I will refer you back to my example. I only have one loaf of bread at a dollar a slice to share with 100 people but I won’t plant any more wheat, build a mill, or construct a new bakery because it may be years before the price of bread goes down. The part of the equation that you have missed is that more people can eat.
Regarding your bill S.3134, how do you plan to take the rest of the world to task for “speculating” on oil that does not belong to us in the first place? The price of oil is the same all over the world (unless Chavez likes you) and we are not the only purchaser of energy. Actually, the price of oil is set by the Law of Supply and Demand. There is now very little excess oil on the spot market. This coupled with the problems in Iran has driven the price of oil up. If a more stable economy, say ours, were able to pick up the slack and provide the cushion, the price of oil would come down because it is not in as much danger of being made less accessible. If you couldn’t tell, I am not in support of your bill. I would support a bill that would make the drilling and refining of oil less of a burden to the professionals who know how to get it to market in the most economical way.
You state that we are being gouged and we should not give away the store under President Bush. Are you saving it for your prospective president? You will have to allow drilling, refinery building, and power plant erecting sooner or later. Please make it as soon as possible.
In closing, I pointed out in my letter to you there is a need for more refineries in the U.S.. I also brought up the point that a large jump in the oil industry would be a boon to both that industry and manufacturing and steel production. You made no mention of this. It appears that you are only interested in finding someone at fault. It does not appear that you are interested in getting more oil to the country that you are responsible for protecting. Please do not expect any sympathy from me when you try and explain to your constituents why the “fine them into submission” Congress, not the president, is responsible for the debacle that is the energy crisis.
Edward Rodda
Daddy, what did it look like when there was light at night? Sent June 08'
Senator Martinez,
I am a retired Navy Submariner who spent the better part of 21 years protecting our country. I am a new resident to Florida and work at NAS Key West where the most important use of our tax dollars, providing for the common defense, take off and land regularly at the base.
Senator, I will cut to the chase. The energy policy of our government is causing the slow motion demise of this great nation. There is no greater responsibility in Congress than to protect the country. It cannot be done with entitlements, with pork barrel projects, or with political correctness that overrides calling a spade a spade so we don't offend some small minority at the expense of the majority.
With the latter in mind, I must point out the responsible party for the energy debacle. It is not a Republican or a Democrat. It is a person who is more interested in getting re-elected than in the continued life and more importantly, liberty of his or her constituents. The "feel good" energy policies of our government that restrict the development of all our energy resources will bring this country to its' knees or worse in the end. Conserving is not the whole answer. A loaf of bread can only be sliced so many times before somebody gets hungry and starts taking your slice.
A release of this policy has multiple benefits. It increases jobs in multiple markets and it will help rebuild our steel refining capabilities and manufacturing base. This should be good news to your colleagues from the rust belt. On a side, there is still no better steel than ours. We have welded with both Chinese and American steel on the base and always ask for American steel when doing important projects. In addition to this, Congress will have more money to spend on the important things like roads and bridges that take our goods to market and beyond.
I know it took years to get us into this corner senator and I understand that it will take years to get us out. Some of your colleagues say drilling and finding more oil will not change the future cost of energy. When did the Law of Supply and Demand get rewritten? In any case, I am not so much concerned with the cost of energy as with the availability of it.
Senator, please do not be selfish. Look past the now and realize that no governmental policy or tax scheme will keep this nation firmly rooted when it interferes with a constant flow of reliable energy, regardless of its' source.
Edward Rodda
I am a retired Navy Submariner who spent the better part of 21 years protecting our country. I am a new resident to Florida and work at NAS Key West where the most important use of our tax dollars, providing for the common defense, take off and land regularly at the base.
Senator, I will cut to the chase. The energy policy of our government is causing the slow motion demise of this great nation. There is no greater responsibility in Congress than to protect the country. It cannot be done with entitlements, with pork barrel projects, or with political correctness that overrides calling a spade a spade so we don't offend some small minority at the expense of the majority.
With the latter in mind, I must point out the responsible party for the energy debacle. It is not a Republican or a Democrat. It is a person who is more interested in getting re-elected than in the continued life and more importantly, liberty of his or her constituents. The "feel good" energy policies of our government that restrict the development of all our energy resources will bring this country to its' knees or worse in the end. Conserving is not the whole answer. A loaf of bread can only be sliced so many times before somebody gets hungry and starts taking your slice.
A release of this policy has multiple benefits. It increases jobs in multiple markets and it will help rebuild our steel refining capabilities and manufacturing base. This should be good news to your colleagues from the rust belt. On a side, there is still no better steel than ours. We have welded with both Chinese and American steel on the base and always ask for American steel when doing important projects. In addition to this, Congress will have more money to spend on the important things like roads and bridges that take our goods to market and beyond.
I know it took years to get us into this corner senator and I understand that it will take years to get us out. Some of your colleagues say drilling and finding more oil will not change the future cost of energy. When did the Law of Supply and Demand get rewritten? In any case, I am not so much concerned with the cost of energy as with the availability of it.
Senator, please do not be selfish. Look past the now and realize that no governmental policy or tax scheme will keep this nation firmly rooted when it interferes with a constant flow of reliable energy, regardless of its' source.
Edward Rodda
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