Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why They Like Us. Sent April 09'

Does it seem odd to you that the socialist and communist country leaders are taking a liking to Mr. Obama? It shouldn't. Mr. Chavez loves taking over private companies and I am sure he gave Mr. Obama a few pointers on how to take care of his opposition. Mr. Castro, on the other hand is more interested in health care so I imagine he described how his country isolates those with AIDS. Oh, I imagine he talked about the ingenuity of his people in regards to keeping those old cars running and how they continue to survive the oppression of a communist regime.

As tongue in cheek as the above is I wrote it for a purpose. Our country stood for freedom, human dignity, and the ability to pursue one's dream without the hand of government reaching into one's life. This is no longer true. It is not about the above countries changing so that we can normalize relations with them. It is our country becoming more socialist, therefore acceptable to the likes of Chavez, who makes his opposition disappear, and the Castro brothers who are well versed in controlling what the Cuban people see by controlling the media.

Senator, I know we are talking from the opposite sides of the aisle but it is time to see the true meaning of what you in Washington are doing. When everyone is equal no one loses but on the other hand no one wins. There is no impetus for striving to do something out of the ordinary. Have you not had enough object lessons throughout your life to see this? In making this country responsible for the day to day activities of its people you have destined it for a slow retreat into obscurity. We cannot afford to do what you in Washington have begun.

I know you do not agree with my views and perhaps you feel I am a threat to our Nation because I am a Vet. Don’t worry, just like you I swore to protect the country from ALL enemies without and within and follow the Constitution. It’s just from where I stand I believe you are shirking your duty.

I went in harms way to protect this country. Now it is your turn Senator. You can start by accepting my humble opinion and end by stopping this madness that we can afford to take care of people from the cradle to the grave.

Please allow me to respect you,
Edward Rodda

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