Sunday, June 6, 2010

BP (Barely Plausible)

Mr. Obama,

I see you have chastised BP for "nickel and diming" the gulf coast population while advertising what they are accomplishing in spill cleanup and containment. If I might point out a couple of items requiring your attention.

BP is actually doing something while you are just blaming something.

BP is paying for its' view of the spill while you rely on the media you carry around in your pocket to present your agenda.

BP is attempting to clean up and stop the spill with its' limited resources while the governor of Louisiana screams for federal permission and assistance, and gets a limited response.

BP is providing monetary assistance to those directly affected by the spill while all you can say is somebody is going to pay.

In closing Mr. Obama, I live on the island of Key West where all the oil still floating has to pass when it makes its' way out to the Atlantic. I am looking forward to seeing you down here blaming BP for their ineptitude and telling me you are in charge. I will be wondering though, while BP attempted to clean up where the oil is, why weren't you attempting to protect the areas in its path?

With the respect due the Office of the President,

Edward Rodda

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Boots on the Ground? Not So's You'd Notice!

Mr. Obama,
So let me repeat this to make sure I am getting it straight. The people wearing the uniforms with helmets and bullet proof armor are going to be sitting at a border crossing holding a broom to clean up after any trash spilled out of a freshly inspected car, while the people in trousers and button down shirts driving Government Motors SUV's are out getting shot at with high-powered weapons.

Truly sir, are you an idiot? Your responsibility is not to placate our neighbor to the south by letting his countrymen into our country so they can send our dollars south to bolster his country. The border is the border and it is your responsibility to close it. You find it easier to take our choices and our hard earned income to give to your voter base. No other country on earth has a more open border or more to lose as OTM's come streaming across.

Mr. Obama you are ignorant of the needs of your country but quite knowledgeable of those who would see us fail. Your words are loud and clear and are being repeated throughout this country. Too bad the fundamental change you are expecting is not going to be the one which occurs.

With the respect due the Office of the President,
Edward Rodda

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Gun Rights? We Don't Need No Stinking Gun Rights!


I am writing in regards to a recent Reuter's article which can be found at It appears the Anointed One, who tried to stop a busted well by just uttering a few words, is going to do away with one of our Constitutional Rights by throwing it under the international bus. Do not the voice of the American People have a say in this? The right to keep and bear "conventional" arms comes with the implied right to purchase said arms.

Your continued erosion of rights will undoubtedly lead to renaming our once great country to The Utopian States of America (Hey look, we can still call it USA!) where I can look to the government instead of God for my daily bread. On the other hand, as you in Washington slowly, methodically, and painfully remove our rights under the guise of "we are just trying to make your life better and safer", please remember what always occurs when government refuses to listen to the people. Might I recommend as a reminder. I do not believe you will have to hire a translator, using my tax dollars, to understand.

With the respect due the Office,

Edward Rodda