Friday, March 12, 2010

A Little Tongue in Cheek...

Senator Nelson,
Just a quick note to tell you how much I appreciate you taking the worries out of my life. I was worried about health care but you are going to tax all those horrible rich people so that I can live without concern. I had been on Medicaid, but the wait time to see a doctor for free is ridiculous. I can't wait to get my entitlement check to pay for health care I deserve just like all the other folks. Also, I was watching the news and I saw New York is going to force those horrible rich restaurant owners to stop using salt to help people eat better. I can't wait until you start looking in to this throughout the United States. Then I will know the government is really concerned about my well being and wants to make sure I live for a long time.

Another area I was worried about was how I to pay off all my credit card debt, but then I found out credit card companies would let me off the hook and pass my debt on to those horrible rich people who are still paying their bills. The company I dealt with told me to stop paying any money at all to force the mean rich people running the credit card companies to take pennies for what I really owe. You know what? It really worked! I heard you are also trying to make sure those horrible rich people running the credit card companies don't take advantage of my inability to control myself from now on. Thanks to you and President Obama for protecting me.

A while ago you helped me by protecting me from the mortgage companies who lent me almost 900,000 dollars for my house in Cape Coral at 5341 Majestic Court back in 2006. I was able to walk away from that house with hardly any problems due to your protection of us poor homeowners who were tricked into taking mortgages which had adjustable rates. The mortgage company was really nice when I first showed up, I didn't even have to show them too much paperwork, which was a good thing as I am not real good at keeping track of things like that. I really didn't understand what adjustable rate meant but I as I only wanted to hold onto it for a little while so I could make a few bucks it didn't seem like a big deal. I was just barely making the monthly payment when those horrible rich people started complaining about some housing bubble that was getting ready to burst. When I tried to sell the house I couldn't find a buyer and then those mean horrible rich people at the mortgage company started calling me and letting me know the ARM was getting ready to balloon. It just seemed to me they were only trying to twist my arm to get more out of me and people like me. If you would like to know, after I walked away from that house it sold for only 156,000 dollars in 2008. I really stuck it to those horrible rich people at the mortgage company, didn't I? Trying to get me to pay almost 900G's for a house that wasn't worth a quarter of that; how dare they! I know you don't believe me but check out my house address in Cape Coral on the Tax Man's website; another horrible rich guy who was trying to get more than he deserved. I think the parcel number is 18-45-24-C4-00026.0210.

I could go on and on about all the ways you are trying to make sure I make it through my life without any cares. I could talk about how you are trying to protect the planet from the horrible energy people or how you are protecting the rights of people who don't like us and have inadvertently killed Americans while trying to voice their opinions under The First Amendment. I guess I just want you to know you can count on me to keep voting Democrat as long as you keep ensuring my well being.
Edward Rodda

P.S. Okay, I have health insurance I pay for, and I don't have credit card bills, and I didn't own the house personally... It doesn't change the outcome. You keep smoothing people's self inflicted problems out, they keep voting for you. That plan cannot fail until the people paying the bills decide to stop paying the bills. I wonder how close we are to that point, Senator???

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

He Said, She Said... (Sort of)

Dear Mr. Rodda:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Supreme Court decision on campaign finance reform in Citizens United v. FEC. Many people believe that by striking down the limits on corporate spending in elections, the nation’s High Court has opened up our political system to dominance by moneyed special interests.

I entered public service back in the 1970s, and I don’t think I’ve seen a court decision with the potential for such far-reaching effects on our elections. So-called third-party groups, financed by corporations that tend to run negative and misleading TV ads, will be positioned to overpower the voices of average voters. Though the decision deals with Federal races, I’m sure we’ll see challenges mounted to State and local election spending limits, too.

I think there’s a real chance that Congress will act to put some reforms back in place. Please know that I will keep your views in mind should the Senate vote on this issue.

Senator Bill Nelson

In your reply to my email regarding your attempt to curb free speech you state the ads wil be "...financed by corporations that tend to run negative and misleading TV ads...". My question to you is Senator, who determines the negative and misleading part? Is it you senator, you, who are determined to ram health care down the throats of your constituents regardless the majority of Americans are against your plan, you, who spends our tax dollars on bailouts and pork barrel projects, you, who believes the more people there are on some entitlement the more votes you will garner come election time? Or is it the American people who should determine what is negative and misleading, what is right and wrong, what is best for our country?

No Senator, there is a fundamental difference between us, I want to do the best I can with my life helping others as I go, you want enslave people with the yoke of entitlements to protect your class's existence. Senator, government is not here to ensure people can eke out an existence relying on the benevolent hand of the ruling class, giving to those who agree and retracting it from those who believe otherwise. Government is here to ensure God's gift of life is used to the fullest with the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution!

With the respect due the Office,
Edward Rodda