Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Hidden Costs of Health Care Reform

I am writing to provide you with my take on the health care debacle. It continues to amaze me that you believe I will not be paying for the bill regardless of whom you tax/surcharge/fee/fine. These wonderful folks, who are making the lions share, are the ones taking the risks. Have you become so single minded you have forgotten how this country became great? Would Barney Frank be offended because Mr. Ford took a huge risk helping to shove our country from an agrarian nation into the manufacturing leader of the 20th century? Do you not believe the descendents of Mr. Ford who are taking the risks today will not pass on your tax/surcharge/fee/fine to the end user of the product, hmmm, which is me? Do you not believe you will increase the price tag of every item the government purchases thereby giving you in Washington another reason to raise our personal taxes, as if you didn’t have enough reasons already?

In regards to the bill itself, I will not ever get what you promised with this health care proposal. First off, as it is over 1900 pages, can you even show me in the House bill where your personal promises are? Secondly, with the amount of bureaucracy you have added into the mix, do you for a minute believe I will be able to call my primary care physician and be able to see him within a day or two? I will tell you this, Senator, I live in Key West and to be able to see the best orthopedist here I have to wait 2 months. What are the chances of me seeing him at all once you take over? You are going to control his every move to get the most out of him because the dirty little secret is you don’t have enough physicians because of the regulations you already have foisted on them. He may try to ride out the storm but my bet is if he is any good he will take his shingle down and move to where he can work without so much government control. And where does that leave me? I will tell you where, Senator, seeing “doctors” who do not look beyond the prescription they write because some bureaucrat has complete control of my health care based on my age and what I can provide to the tax base.

No, Senator, this bill is not good for me or the country. I have written you many times in the past and discussed how this level playing field will not work. This bill will put in the end zone for you in Washington so at the end of the day you can look down from your box seat and watch those of us that are left scurry around on the field like ants trying to reach our goals. Too bad our end zone has been removed by the people we have voted into power.

Edward Rodda

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